Joseph JaJa

Professor Emeritus
3214 Iribe Center
(301) 405-6722
Ph.D., Harvard University
Special Awards/Honors: 
ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow

Joseph JaJa is a professor emeritus of electrical and computer engineering in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.

His research explores machine learning applications in biomedical data, data science, and computational neuroscience. JaJa also delves into parallel computing and advanced visualization techniques to enhance data analysis and interpretation.

Go here to view JaJa's academic publications.



JaJa JF, Ryu K W.  1996.  The block distributed memory model. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 7(8):830-840.

Acharya T, JaJa JF.  1996.  An on-line variable-length binary encoding of text. Information Sciences. 94(1–4):1-22.

Helman DR, Bader DA, JaJa JF.  1996.  Parallel algorithms for personalized communication and sorting with an experimental study (extended abstract). Proceedings of the eighth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures.

JaJa JF.  1996.  On combining technology and theory in search of a parallel computation model. Parallel Processing, 1996. Proceedings of the 1996 ICPP Workshop on Challenges for.

Fallah-Adl H, JaJa JF, Liang S, Townshend J, Kaufman YJ.  1996.  Fast algorithms for removing atmospheric effects from satellite images. Computational Science Engineering, IEEE. 3(2):66-77.

Bader DA, JaJa JF.  1996.  Practical parallel algorithms for dynamic data redistribution, median finding, and selection. Parallel Processing Symposium, 1996., Proceedings of IPPS '96, The 10th International.

Bader DA, Helman DR, JaJa JF.  1996.  Practical parallel algorithms for personalized communication and integer sorting. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA). 1


Helman D, JaJa JF.  1995.  Efficient image processing algorithms on the scan line array processor. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 17(1):47-56.

Huang YM, JaJa JF.  1995.  An Optimal Ear Decomposition Algorithm with Applications on Fixed-Size Linear Arrays. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING.

Snelick R, JaJa JF, Kacker R, Lyon G.  1995.  Using synthetic perturbations and statistical screening to assay shared-memory programs. Information processing letters. 54(3):147-153.

Liang S, Davis LS, Townshend J, Chellappa R, DeFries R, Dubayah R, Goward S, JaJa JF, Krishnamachar S, Roussopoulos N et al..  1995.  Land cover dynamics investigation using parallel computers. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1995. IGARSS '95. 'Quantitative Remote Sensing for Science and Applications', International. 1:332-334vol.1-332-334vol.1.

Fallah-Adl H, JaJa JF, Liang S, Kaufman YJ, Townshend J.  1995.  Efficient Algorithms for Atmospheric Correction of Remotely Sensed Data. Supercomputing, 1995. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM SC95 Conference.


JaJa JF, Ryu K W.  1994.  The block distributed memory model for shared memory multiprocessors. Parallel Processing Symposium, 1994. Proceedings., Eighth International.

Berkman O, JaJa JF, Krishnamurthy S, Thurimella R, Vishkin U.  1994.  Top-Bottom Routing around a Rectangle is as Easy as Computing Prefix Minima. SIAM Journal on Computing. 23(3):449-465.

JaJa JF, Wang PY.  1994.  Special issue on data parallel algorithms and programming. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 21(1):1-3.


Snelick R, JaJa JF, Kacker R, Lyon G.  1993.  Using Synthetic-Perturbation Techniques for Tuning Shared Memory Programs. Parallel Processing, 1993. ICPP 1993. International Conference on. 2:2-10.

JaJa JF, Ryu KW.  1993.  Optimal algorithms on the pipelined hypercube and related networks. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 4(5):582-591.

Kolagotla RK, Yu SS, JaJa JF.  1993.  Systolic architectures for finite-state vector quantization. The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing. 5(2):249-259.

Kolagotla RK, Yu S-S, JaJa JF.  1993.  VLSI implementation of a tree searched vector quantizer. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 41(2):901-905.


Greenberg R, JaJa JF, Krishnamurthy S.  1992.  On the difficulty of Manhattan channel routing. Information Processing Letters. 44(5):281-284.

JaJa JF, Ryu K W.  1992.  Load balancing and routing on the hypercube and related networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 14(4):431-435.


JaJa JF, Chang S-C.  1991.  Parallel Algorithms for Channel Routing in the Knock-Knee Model. SIAM Journal on Computing. 20(2):228-245.

JaJa JF.  1991.  Parallel algorithms for VLSI routing. Integration, the VLSI Journal. 12(3):305-320.

Chakrabarti C, JaJa JF.  1991.  VLSI architectures for multidimensional transforms. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 40(9):1053-1057.

Chakrabarti C, JaJa JF.  1991.  VLSI architectures for template matching and block matching. Parallel architectures and algorithms for image understanding.


Ryu KW, JaJa JF.  1990.  Efficient algorithms for list ranking and for solving graph problems on the hypercube. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 1(1):83-90.

JaJa JF, Ryu KW.  1990.  Load balancing on the hypercube and related networks. Proceedings of 1990 International Conference on Parallel Processing. 1:203-210.

Krishnamurthy S, JaJa JF.  1990.  An efficient parallel algorithm for channel routing. Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, 1990. ICCD '90. Proceedings., 1990 IEEE International Conference on.


JaJa JF, Wu S-M.  1989.  A new approach to realizing partially symmetric functions. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 38(6):896-898.

JaJa JF, Wu SA.  1989.  On routing two-terminal nets in the presence of obstacles. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 8(5):563-570.

Ryu KW, JaJa JF.  1989.  List ranking on the Hypercube. Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference on Parallel Processing. 3:20-23.


Sherlekar D, JaJa JF.  1988.  Input sensitive VLSI layouts for graphs of arbitrary degree. VLSI Algorithms and Architectures.

JaJa JF, Kosaraju SR.  1988.  Parallel algorithms for planar graph isomorphism and related problems. Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 35(3):304-311.


JaJa JF.  1985.  Lower bounds on monotone arithmetic circuits with restricted depths. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 11(12):1155-1164.


JaJa JF, Prasanna Kumar VK.  1984.  Information Transfer in Distributed Computing with Applications to VLSI. Journal of the ACM (JACM). 31(1):150-162.

