Graduate Students

Graduate students are an important part of the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS). Students are initially admitted to the campus through one of the graduate programs to which our faculty belong, then join the institute when they join the labs of our faculty. Many of our centers offer the opportunity for graduate students to collaborate with faculty and other graduate students from diverse academic disciplines. Machine learning experts working with computational linguists, or data scientists working with biologists, are but a few examples. All of this graduate work is supported by cutting-edge computational resources and technical support that we believe are unequaled on the University of Maryland campus.
Graduate Students In the News

Redefining Human Interaction with Wearable Tech and AI
Yang Bai is developing wearable technologies and AI systems that can sense and respond to their environment in real time.

Redefining Digital Privacy by Outsmarting Wireless Tracking
Erik Rye is researching methods to prevent tracking through wireless access points, aiming to develop protocols that can safeguard personal data in both…

Optimizing Computational Dataflow with Machine Learning
Sanjali Yadav has developed a novel machine learning approach that enables adaptive and intelligent hardware, boosting dataflow efficiency and reducing energy…