A multi-institutional team that includes Associate Professor Rob Patro (left in photo) and Ph.D. student Dongze He (right) has released a toolkit for the efficient processing of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA sequencing data.
Experts from the University of Maryland and the University of Virginia are developing sophisticated algorithms that can help health care officials determine the best locations to place vaccination sites.
Through a $2 million contract with the Maryland State Department of Education, Niklas Elmqvist is working to make data visualization tools more accessible for high school students who are visually challenged.
The two UMIACS faculty members are active in three of the 17 projects recently chosen to split $3 million in seed funding from the University of Maryland Strategic Partnership: MPowering the State.
In a paper published in the journal Physical Review X, QuICS Fellow Alexey Gorshkov and postdoctoral scholar Luis Pedro García-Pintos provide a new perspective for investigating quantum changes.
In addition to paper presentations and poster sessions, QuICS researchers will help lead two of the three highly competitive plenary talks at this year’s conference.
First-year doctoral student Elizabeth Bennewitz is one of 45 finalists with a chance of receiving up to $250,000 in support from the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation.