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Scalable Data Parallel Algorithms for Texture Synthesis using Gibbs Random Fields

David A. Badergif Joseph JáJágif Rama Chellappagif
Department of Electrical Engineering, and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742

Submitted: October 4, 1993 Revised: July 28, 1994


This paper introduces scalable data parallel algorithms for image processing. Focusing on Gibbs and Markov Random Field model representation for textures, we present parallel algorithms for texture synthesis, compression, and maximum likelihood parameter estimation, currently implemented on Thinking Machines CM-2 and CM-5. Use of fine-grained, data parallel processing techniques yields real-time algorithms for texture synthesis and compression that are substantially faster than the previously known sequential implementations. Although current implementations are on Connection Machines, the methodology presented here enables machine independent scalable algorithms for a number of problems in image processing and analysis.

Permission to publish this abstract separately is granted.

Keywords: Gibbs Sampler, Gaussian Markov Random Fields, Image Processing, Texture Synthesis, Data Parallel Algorithms.

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David A. Bader