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Random Fields have been successfully used to sample and synthesize textured images (e.g. [6], [4], [9], [7], [5]). Texture analysis has applications in image segmentation and classification, biomedical image analysis, and automatic detection of surface defects. Of particular interest are the models that specify the statistical dependence of the grey level at a pixel on those of its neighborhood. There are several well-known algorithms describing the sampling process for generating synthetic textured images, and algorithms that yield an estimate of the parameters of the assumed random process given a textured image. Impressive results related to real-world imagery have appeared in the literature ([6], [7], [5], [8], [3]). However, all these algorithms are quite computationally demanding because they typically require on the order of arithmetic operations per iteration for an image of size with G grey levels. The implementations known to the authors are slow and operate on images of size or smaller.

In this paper, we develop scalable data parallel algorithms for implementing the most important texture sampling and synthesis algorithms. The data parallel model is an architecture-independent programming model that allows an arbitrary number of virtual processors to operate on large amounts of data in parallel. All the algorithms described in this paper have been implemented and thoroughly tested on a Connection Machine CM-2 and a Connection Machine CM-5.

Section 2 develops parallel algorithms for texture synthesis using Gibbs and Gaussian Markov Random Fields. Parameter estimation for Gaussian Markov Random Field textures, using least squares, as well as maximum likelihood techniques, are given in Section 3. Conclusions are given in Section 4.

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David A. Bader