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Problem Overview

Consider the problem of finding the median of a set of n elements that are spread across a p-processor distributed memory machine, where . The median is typically defined as the element that is the quantile of a set, or the element of rank after the data has been sorted in ascending order. A more general problem is that of selection; namely, we have to find the element of rank i, for a given parameter i, . Parallel sorting trivially solves the selection problem, but sorting is known to be computationally harder than selection.

Previous parallel algorithms for selection ([9], [23], [31], [25]) and data redistribution ([28], [34]) tend to be network dependent or assume the PRAM model, and thus, are not efficient or portable to current parallel machines. In this paper, we present algorithms that are shown to be scalable and efficient across a number of different platforms.

The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 addresses the Block Distributed Memory model for analyzing shared memory style parallel algorithms. The Communication Library Primitive operations which are fundamental to the design of high-level algorithms are introduced in Section 3. A practical algorithm for the dynamic redistribution of data derived from these primitives is given in Section 4. A parallel selection algorithm is described and analyzed in Section 5, together with experimental results on a number of platforms.

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David A. Bader