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Journal Articles
Roy-Chowdhury AK, Chellappa R, Keaton T.  2004.  Wide baseline image registration with application to 3-D face modeling. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on. 6(3):423-434.
Jacobs DW.  1996.  Robust and efficient detection of salient convex groups. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 18(1):23-37.
Basri R, Jacobs DW.  2001.  Projective alignment with regions. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 23(5):519-527.
Basri R, Jacobs DW.  2003.  Lambertian reflectance and linear subspaces. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 25(2):218-233.
Li B, Chellappa R.  2002.  A generic approach to simultaneous tracking and verification in video. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 11(5):530-544.
Biswas S, Aggarwal G, Chellappa R.  2010.  An Efficient and Robust Algorithm for Shape Indexing and Retrieval. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on. 12(5):372-385.
Conference Papers
Basri R, Felzenszwalb PF, Girshick RB, Jacobs DW, Klivans CJ.  2009.  Visibility constraints on features of 3D objects. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on. :1231-1238.
Yue Z, Zhao L, Chellappa R.  2003.  View synthesis of articulating humans using visual hull. Multimedia and Expo, 2003. ICME '03. Proceedings. 2003 International Conference on. 1:I-489-92vol.1-I-489-92vol.1.
Shet VD, Harwood D, Davis LS.  2005.  VidMAP: video monitoring of activity with Prolog. Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2005. AVSS 2005. IEEE Conference on. :224-229.
Chowdhury AKR, Kale A, Chellappa R.  2003.  Video synthesis of arbitrary views for approximately planar scenes. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. (ICASSP '03). 2003 IEEE International Conference on. 3:III-497-500vol.3-III-497-500vol.3.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1992.  Temporal clues in handwriting. Pattern Recognition, 1992. Vol.II. Conference B: Pattern Recognition Methodology and Systems, Proceedings., 11th IAPR International Conference on. :317-320.
Aggarwal G, Chowdhury AKR, Chellappa R.  2004.  A system identification approach for video-based face recognition. Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on. 4:175-178Vol.4-175-178Vol.4.
Li H, Doermann D.  2000.  Superresolution-based enhancement of text in digital video. Pattern Recognition, 2000. Proceedings. 15th International Conference on. 1:847-850vol.1-847-850vol.1.
Williams LR, Jacobs DW.  1995.  Stochastic completion fields: a neural model of illusory contour shape and salience. Computer Vision, 1995. Proceedings., Fifth International Conference on. :408-415.
Zhou S, Chellappa R.  2003.  Simultaneous tracking and recognition of human faces from video. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. (ICASSP '03). 2003 IEEE International Conference on. 3:III-225-8vol.3-III-225-8vol.3.
Zhou S, Chellappa R.  2002.  A robust algorithm for probabilistic human recognition from video. Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on. 1:226-229vol.1-226-229vol.1.
Wu X, M. Wu.  2002.  A recognition algorithm for Chinese characters in diverse fonts. Image Processing. 2002. Proceedings. 2002 International Conference on. 3:981-984vol.3-981-984vol.3.
Zhou S, Chellappa R.  2003.  Rank constrained recognition under unknown illuminations. Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures, 2003. AMFG 2003. IEEE International Workshop on. :11-18.
Parameswaran V, Chellappa R.  2002.  Quasi-invariants for human action representation and recognition. Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on. 1:307-310vol.1-307-310vol.1.
Kang H-J, Doermann D.  2004.  Product approximation by minimizing the upper bound of Bayes error rate for Bayesian combination of classifiers. Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on. 1:252-255Vol.1-252-255Vol.1.
Chellappa R, Kruger V, Zhou S.  2002.  Probabilistic recognition of human faces from video. Image Processing. 2002. Proceedings. 2002 International Conference on. 1:I-41-I-44vol.1-I-41-I-44vol.1.
Zhou SK, Chellappa R.  2004.  Probabilistic identity characterization for face recognition. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. 2:II-805-II-812Vol.2-II-805-II-812Vol.2.
Mariano VY, Min J, Park J-H, Kasturi R, Mihalcik D, Li H, Doermann D, Drayer T.  2002.  Performance evaluation of object detection algorithms. Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on. 3:965-969vol.3-965-969vol.3.
Srinivasan BV, Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R.  2011.  A partial least squares framework for speaker recognition. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. :5276-5279.
Liang J, Doermann D, Ma M, Guo JK.  2002.  Page classification through logical labelling. Pattern Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. 16th International Conference on. 3:477-480vol.3-477-480vol.3.
