Policies & Procedures

The operation of UMIACS is governed by a plan of organization, comprising a constitution and bylaws, as well as several policies related to the appointment, promotion, and evaluation of our members.

Here we describe these policies, as well as the operational procedures and processes used by UMIACS to implement these policies.

Founding Document

The creation of UMIACS was approved at the campus level in 1984. The proposal to create UMIACS outlines the original vision for the institute to become "a focal point for new interdisciplinary in the computer sciences across the University campuses," to "facilitate collaboration between the University, industry, and the federal government," and to serve as "an educational resource to various academic departments."

Plan of Organization

The UMIACS plan of organization defines the high-level organization of the institute and outlines key decision-making processes.

Criteria for Appointment and Promotion

The overall criteria used by the institute's faculty appointment, promotion and tenure (APT) committee are outlined here. For professional track faculty, the appointment, evaluation, and promotion processes and criteria are described in the UMIACS policy for the appointment, evaluation and promotion of professional track faculty.

Merit Plan

The process and criteria used to determine merit pay are described in this document.

UMIACS Processes for the Review of Faculty

The policies described above set the framework for evaluating UMIACS faculty as part of appointment, promotion, and merit pay determinations. This page provides additional information about how these policies are implemented in the institute.

UMIACS Centers, Labs, and other Sub-Units

UMIACS administers and manages a number of sub-units ranging from federally-funded centers and institutes, to formal centers and academic programs, to informal laboratories or research groups. Further information about these administrative units organized within the institute is presented here.