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Deshpande A, Nath S, Gibbons PB, Seshan S.  2003.  IRIS: Internet-scale Resource-Intensive Sensor Services. Intel Research, UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon University.
Nath S, Deshpande A, Ke Y, Gibbons PB, Karp B, Seshan S.  2003.  IrisNet: an architecture for internet-scale sensing services. Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Very large data bases - Volume 29. :1137-1140.
Raschid L, Wen H-F, Gal A, Zadorozhny V.  2003.  Latency Profiles: Performance Monitoring for Wide Area Applications. Internet Applications, IEEE Workshop on. :74-74.
Getoor L.  2003.  Learning Structure From Statistical Models. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 26(3):11-18.
Getoor L.  2003.  Link mining: a new data mining challenge. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter. 5(1):84-89.
Gennaro R, Gertner Y, Katz J.  2003.  Lower bounds on the efficiency of encryption and digital signature schemes. Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. :417-425.
Gennaro R, Gertner Y, Katz J.  2003.  Lower bounds on the efficiency of encryption and digital signature schemes. Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. :417-425.
Li X, Gupta SK.  2003.  Manufacturability Analysis of Multi-Material Objects Molded by Rotary Platen Multi-Shot Molding Process. 2003:353-365.
Rivera ING, Lipp EK, Gil A, Choopun N, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2003.  Method of DNA extraction and application of multiplex polymerase chain reaction to detect toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 from aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Microbiology. 5(7):599-606.
Nath S, Deshpande A, Gibbons PB, Seshan S.  2003.  MobiCom poster: mining a world of smart sensors. SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev.. 7(1):34-36.
Dunlavy DM, Conroy JM, Schlesinger JD, Goodman SA, Okurowski M E, O'Leary DP, van Halteren H.  2003.  Performance of a Three-Stage System for Multi-Document Summarization. DUC 03 Conference ProceedingsDUC 03 Conference Proceedings.
Dix J, Kuter U, Nau DS.  2003.  Planning in Answer Set Programming Using Ordered Task Decomposition. KI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 2821:490-504.
Louis VR, Russek-Cohen E, Choopun N, Rivera ING, Gangle B, Jiang SC, Rubin A, Patz JA, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2003.  Predictability of Vibrio Cholerae in Chesapeake Bay. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 69(5):2773-2785.
Hung E, Getoor L, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2003.  PXML: a probabilistic semistructured data model and algebra. Data Engineering, 2003. Proceedings. 19th International Conference on. :467-478.
Coppersmith D, Gamarnik D, Hajiaghayi MT, Sorkin GB.  2003.  Random MAX SAT, random MAX CUT, and their phase transitions. Proceedings of the fourteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. :364-373.
Hicks MW, Morrisett G, Grossman D, Jim T.  2003.  Safe and flexible memory management in Cyclone. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
El-Sayed NM, Ghedin E, Song J, MacLeod A, Bringaud F, Larkin C, Wanless D, Peterson J, Hou L, Taylor S et al..  2003.  The sequence and analysis of Trypanosoma brucei chromosome II. Nucleic acids research. 31(16):4856-4856.
Gilbert X, Li H, Doermann D.  2003.  Sports Video Classification Using HMM. ICME. 2:345-348.
Li X, Gupta SK.  2003.  A Step Towards Automated Design of Rotary-Platen Multi-Shot Molds. 2003:343-354.
Getoor L.  2003.  Structure discovery using statistical relational learning. Data Engineering. 51:10-10.
Cardone A, Gupta SK, Karnik M.  2003.  A Survey of Shape Similarity Assessment Algorithms for Product Design and Manufacturing Applications. Journal of Computing and Information Science in EngineeringJ. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng.. 3(2):109-118.
Gupta SK, Chen Y, Feng S, Sriram R.  2003.  A system for generating process and material selection advice during embodiment design of mechanical components. Journal of manufacturing systems. 22(1):28-45.
Gaston M, desJardins M.  2003.  Team formation in complex networks. Proceedings of the 1st NAACSOS Conference.
Biazzo V, Giugno R, Lukasiewicz T, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2003.  Temporal probabilistic object bases. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 15(4):921-939.
Seydou F, Gumerov NA, Duraiswami R.  2003.  Two methods for solving a 3D acoustic inverse scattering problem. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 113(4):2191-2191.
