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Balch T, Dellaert F., Feldman A., Guillory A., Isbell C.L., Khan Z, Pratt S.C., Stein A.N., Wilde H..  2006.  How Multirobot Systems Research will Accelerate our Understanding of Social Animal Behavior. Proceedings of the IEEE. 94(7):1445-1463.
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Guerra-Filho G, Aloimonos Y.  2006.  Human activity language: Grounding concepts with a linguistic framework. Semantic Multimedia. :86-100.
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Ghanem NM, Davis LS.  2007.  Human Appearance Change Detection. Image Analysis and Processing, 2007. ICIAP 2007. 14th International Conference on. :536-541.
Yu Y, Harwood D, Yoon K, Davis LS.  2007.  Human appearance modeling for matching across video sequences. Machine Vision and Applications. 18(3):139-149.
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Mittal A, Zhao L, Davis LS.  2003.  Human body pose estimation using silhouette shape analysis. Proceedings. IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2003.. :263-270.
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Schwartz W R, Kembhavi A, Harwood D, Davis LS.  2009.  Human detection using partial least squares analysis. Computer Vision, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on. :24-31.
