
Export 7151 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Elgammal A, Shet V, Yacoob Y, Davis LS.  2003.  Exemplar-based tracking and recognition of arm gestures. Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2003. ISPA 2003. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on. 2:656-661Vol.2-656-661Vol.2.
Lefever RM, Cukier M, Sanders WH.  2003.  An experimental evaluation of correlated network partitions in the Coda distributed file system. :273-282.
Zelkowitz MV, Wallace DR, Binkley DW.  2003.  Experimental validation of new software technology. SERIES ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING. 12:229-263.
Andrade H, Kurc T, Sussman A, Saltz J.  2003.  Exploiting Functional Decomposition for Efficient Parallel Processing of Multiple Data Analysis Queries. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, International. :81a-81a.
Martin, M.P.  2003.  Exploratory studies of turbulence/chemistry interaction in hypersonic flows. 36 th AIAA Thermophysics Conference.
Hua S, Qu G, Bhattacharyya SS.  2003.  Exploring the probabilistic design space of multimedia systems. 14th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, 2003. Proceedings. :233-240.
Raykar VC, Duraiswami R, Davis LS, Yegnanarayana B.  2003.  Extracting significant features from the HRTF. Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Auditory Display.
Raykar VC, Duraiswami R, Davis LS, Yegnanarayana B.  2003.  Extracting significant features from the hrtf. Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Auditory Display.
Ibrahim A, Katz B, Jimmy Lin.  2003.  Extracting structural paraphrases from aligned monolingual corpora. Proceedings of the second international workshop on Paraphrasing - Volume 16. :57-64.
Neumann J, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  2003.  Eye design in the plenoptic space of light rays. Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2003. Proceedings. :1160-1167vol.2-1160-1167vol.2.
Zhao W, Chellappa R, Phillips PJ, Rosenfeld A.  2003.  Face recognition: A literature survey. ACM Comput. Surv.. 35(4):399-458.
Roy Chowdhury AK, Chellappa R.  2003.  Face reconstruction from monocular video using uncertainty analysis and a generic model. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 91(1–2):188-213.
Chowdhury A RK, Chellappa R.  2003.  A Factorization Approach for Activity Recognition. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2003. CVPRW '03. Conference on. 4:41-41.
Hutchinson H, Bederson BB, Plaisant C, Druin A.  2003.  Family Calendar Survey. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
Shi Q, JaJa JF.  2003.  Fast Algorithms for 3-D Dominance Reporting and Counting. UMIACS-TR-2003-06
Shi Q, JaJa JF.  2003.  Fast algorithms for a class of temporal range queries. Algorithms and Data Structures. :91-102.
Shi Q, JaJa JF.  2003.  Fast Fractional Cascading and Its Applications. UMIACS-TR-2003-71
Memarsadeghi N, Mount D, Netanyahu NS, LeMoigne J.  2003.  A Fast Implementation of the ISOCLUS Algorithm. IEEE 2003 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Liu H, Chellappa R, Rosenfeld A.  2003.  Fast two-frame multiscale dense optical flow estimation using discrete wavelet filters. Journal of the Optical Society of America AJ. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 20(8):1505-1515.
Paluska, Saff, Yeh, Chen.  2003.  Footloose: a case for physical eventual consistency and selective conflict resolution. Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2003. Proceedings. Fifth IEEE Workshop on. :170-179.
Ramasamy HV, Cukier M, Sanders WH.  2003.  Formal verification of an intrusion-tolerant group membership protocol. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS E SERIES D. 86(12):2612-2622.
Bierman G, Hicks MW, Sewell P, Stoyle G.  2003.  Formalizing dynamic software updating. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution (USE).
Stewart G.W.  2003.  A Fortran 95 Matrix Wrapper. UMIACS-TR-2003-89
Katz J, Ostrovsky R, Yung M.  2003.  Forward secrecy in password-only key exchange protocols. Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Security in communication networks. :29-44.
Canetti R, Halevi S, Katz J.  2003.  A forward-secure public-key encryption scheme. Advances in Cryptology—Eurocrypt 2003. :646-646.
