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Journal Articles
Vezzulli L, Brettar I, Pezzati E, Reid PC, Colwell RR, Höfle MG, Pruzzo C.  2011.  Long-term effects of ocean warming on the prokaryotic community: evidence from the vibrios. The ISME Journal. 6(1):21-30.
Vezzulli L, Brettar I, Pezzati E, Reid PC, Colwell RR, Höfle MG, Pruzzo C.  2012.  Long-term effects of ocean warming on the prokaryotic community: evidence from the vibrios. The ISME Journal. 6111114882511(1):21-30.
Bhattacharyya SS, Lee EA.  1994.  Looped schedules for dataflow descriptions of multirate signal processing algorithms. Formal Methods in System Design. 5(3):183-205.
Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R, Gumerov NA.  2010.  Loudspeaker and Microphone Array Signal Processing-Plane-Wave Decomposition of Acoustical Scenes Via Spherical and Cylindrical Microphone Arrays. IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing. 20(1):2-2.
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Srinivasan A.  2000.  Low-discrepancy sets for high-dimensional rectangles: a survey. Bulletin of the EATCS. 70:67-76.
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Horak MN, Nowick SM, Carlberg M, Vishkin U.  2011.  A Low-Overhead Asynchronous Interconnection Network for GALS Chip Multiprocessors. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 30(4):494-507.
Boutellier J, Bhattacharyya SS, Silvén O.  2010.  A Low-overhead Scheduling Methodology for Fine-grained Acceleration of Signal Processing Systems. Journal of Signal Processing Systems. 60(3):333-343.
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Mittal A, Davis LS.  2003.  M 2 Tracker: a multi-view approach to segmenting and tracking people in a cluttered scene. International Journal of Computer Vision. 51(3):189-203.
Schlesinger JD, Conroy JM, Okurowski M E, O'Leary DP.  2003.  Machine and Human Performance for Single- and Multi-Document Summarization. IEEE Intelligent Systems (special issue on Natural Language Processing). 18(1):46-54.
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Zheng Y, Li H, Doermann D.  2004.  Machine printed text and handwriting identification in noisy document images. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 26(3):337-353.
Turaga P, Chellappa R, V.S. Subrahmanian, Udrea O.  2008.  Machine Recognition of Human Activities: A Survey. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 18(11):1473-1488.
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Dorr BJ.  1994.  Machine translation divergences: a formal description and proposed solution. Comput. Linguist.. 20(4):597-633.
Cardone A, Gupta SK, Deshmukh A, Karnik M.  2006.  Machining feature-based similarity assessment algorithms for prismatic machined parts. Computer-Aided Design. 38(9):954-972.
Cummings MP, Meyer A.  2005.  Magic bullets and golden rules: data sampling in molecular phylogenetics. Zoology (Jena). 108(4):329-336.
Fushman D, Cahill S, Cowburn D.  1997.  The main-chain dynamics of the dynamin pleckstrin homology (PH) domain in solution: analysis of 15N relaxation with monomer/dimer equilibration. Journal of Molecular Biology. 266(1):173-194.
Cho M, Mount D, Park E.  2009.  Maintaining nets and net trees under incremental motion. Algorithms and Computation. :1134-1143.
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He D, Oard D, Wang J, Luo J, Demner-Fushman D, Darwish K, Resnik P, Khudanpur S, Nossal M, Subotin M et al..  2003.  Making miracles: Interactive translingual search for cebuano and hindi. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP). 2(3):219-244.
Wilensky U, Rand W.  2007.  Making models match: Replicating an agent-based model. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 10(4):2-2.
