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Journal Articles
Raykar VC, Duraiswami R.  2007.  The improved fast Gauss transform with applications to machine learning. Large Scale Kernel Machines. :175-201.
Hettinger AZ, Rackoff A, Wongsuphasawat K, Cheng H, Fairbanks RJ, Plaisant C, Smith MS.  2011.  Improved Identification and Visualization of Emergency Department Patient Visits. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 58(4):S309-S309.
Guha S, Khuller S.  1999.  Improved Methods for Approximating Node Weighted Steiner Trees and Connected Dominating Sets. Information and Computation. 150(1):57-74.
Self-Similarity GRUI, BenAbdelkader C, Cutler RG, Davis LS, Local FRU, Global Features JH, Yuen PC, Lai JH, Li C.  2004.  Improved Multiuser Detectors Employing Genetic Algorithms in a Space-Time Block Coded System, Yinggang Du and Kam Tai Chan. Signal. 2004(5):640-648.
Alon N, Srinivasan A.  1997.  Improved parallel approximation of a class of integer programming problems. Algorithmica. 17(4):449-462.
Hjaltason GR, Samet H.  2003.  Improved search heuristics for the sa-tree. Pattern Recognition Letters. 24(15):2785-2795.
Berlin K, O’Leary DP, Fushman D.  2009.  Improvement and analysis of computational methods for prediction of residual dipolar couplings. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 201(1):25-33.
Eaton C, Memon AM.  2004.  Improving browsing environment compliance evaluations for websites. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Quality (WQ'04).
Minton SN, Michelson M, See K, Macskassy S, Gazen BC, Getoor L.  2011.  Improving Classifier Performance by Autonomously Collecting Background Knowledge from the Web. 2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications Workshops. :1-6.
Dunne C, Shneiderman B.  2009.  Improving graph drawing readability by incorporating readability metrics: A software tool for network analysts. University of Maryland, HCIL Tech Report HCIL-2009-13.
Ozcan F, V.S. Subrahmanian.  2002.  Improving Performance of Agents by Activity Partitioning. Technical Reports from UMIACS, UMIACS-TR-2002-96.
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Hara K, Azenkot S, Campbell M, Bennett CL, Le V, Pannella S, Moore R, Minckler K, Ng RH, Froehlich J.  2013.  Improving public transit accessibility for blind riders by crowdsourcing bus stop landmark locations with Google street view. The 15th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference. :16-8.
DuBois T, Golbeck J, Kleint J, Srinivasan A.  2009.  Improving recommendation accuracy by clustering social networks with trust. Recommender Systems & the Social Web. :1-8.
Potter RL, Weldon LJ, Shneiderman B.  1993.  Improving the accuracy of touchscreens: an experimental evaluation of three strategies. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. :161-161.
Haas BJ, Delcher AL, Mount SM, Wortman JR, Jr R SK, Hannick LI, Maiti R, Ronning CM, Rusch DB, Town CD et al..  2003.  Improving the Arabidopsis genome annotation using maximal transcript alignment assemblies. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucl. Acids Res.. 31(19):5654-5666.
Shneiderman B.  1978.  Improving the human factors aspect of database interactions. ACM Trans. Database Syst.. 3(4):417-439.
Katz J, Koo CY, Kumaresan R.  2008.  Improving the round complexity of vss in point-to-point networks. Automata, Languages and Programming. :499-510.
Katz J, Koo C-Y, Kumaresan R.  2009.  Improving the round complexity of VSS in point-to-point networks. Information and Computation. 207(8):889-899.
Minker J.  2003.  In Memoriam: Raymond Reiter. AI Magazine. 24(1):13-13.
Davis LS.  2004.  In Memory of Azriel Rosenfeld. International Journal of Computer Vision. 60(1):3-4.
Bavier A, Feamster N, Huang M, Peterson L, Rexford J.  2006.  In VINI veritas: realistic and controlled network experimentation. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev.. 36(4):3-14.
Pruzzo C, Tarsi R, Lleò MM, Signoretto C, Zampini M, Colwell RR, Canepari P.  2002.  In vitro adhesion to human cells by viable but nonculturable Enterococcus faecalis. Current microbiology. 45(2):105-110.
Zhao P, Seo J, Wang Z, Wang Y, Shneiderman B, Hoffman EP.  2003.  In vivo filtering of in vitro expression data reveals MyoD targets. Comptes Rendus Biologies. 326(10–11):1049-1065.
Ceaparu I, Demner D, Hung E, Zhao H, Shneiderman B.  2002.  In Web we trust: establishing strategic trust among online customers. E-Service: new directions in theory and practice. :90-107.
