Journal Articles


Norman K, Zhao H, Shneiderman B, Golub E. Dynamic query choropleth maps for information seeking and decision making. Proc. Human-Computer Interaction International. 2003.
Sewell P, Stoyle G, Hicks MW, Bierman G, Wansbrough K. Dynamic Rebinding for Marshalling and Update, Via Redex-Time and Destruct-Time Reduction. Journal of Functional Programming. 2008;18(04):437-502.
M. Wu, Joyce RA, Wong H-, Guan L, Kung S-. Dynamic resource allocation via video content and short-term traffic statistics. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on. 2001;3(2):186-199.
Subramanian S, Hicks MW, McKinley KS. Dynamic software updates for Java: A VM-centric approach. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI). 2009.
Hicks MW, Nettles S. Dynamic software updating. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.. 2005;27(6):1049-1096.
Hicks MW, Tse S, Hicks B, Zdancewic S. Dynamic updating of information-flow policies. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security (FCS). 2005.
Konte M, Feamster N, Jung J. Dynamics of online scam hosting infrastructure. Passive and Active Network Measurement. 2009:219-228.
Marchionini G, Hert C, Shneiderman B, Liddy L. E-tables: Non-specialist use and understanding of statistical data. SURFACE, the Syracuse University Research Facility And Collaborative Environment. 2001:33.
Sharma R, Aloimonos Y. Early detection of independent motion from active control of normal image flow patterns. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on. 1996;26(1):42-52.
Johnson CN, Bowers JC, Griffitt KJ, Molina V, Clostio RW, Pei S, et al. Ecology of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in the Coastal and Estuarine Waters of Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, and Washington (United States). Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2012;(20):7249-7257.
Prasad VS, Davis LS, Tran S, Elgammal A. Edge affinity for pose-contour matching. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2006;104(1):36-47.
Kitchenham B, Brereton P, Budgen D, Linkman S, Almstrum VL, Pfleeger SL, et al. Editorial: Evaluation and assessment in software engineering. Information and Software Technology. 1997;39(11).
Shneiderman B. Education by engagement and construction: Experiences in the AT&T teaching theater. Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Annual. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Charlottesville, Virg. 1993:471-479.
Alam M, Sadique A, Bhuiyan NA, Nair GB, Siddique AK, Sack DA, et al. Effect of transport at ambient temperature on detection and isolation of Vibrio cholerae from environmental samples. Applied and environmental microbiology. 2006;72(3):2185-2190.
Colwell DD, Panadero-Fontan R, López-Sandez C, Parra-Fernandez F, Paz-Silva A, Sánchez-Andrade R, et al. Effect of treatment on the dynamics of circulating hypodermin C in cattle naturally infested with Hypoderma lineatum (Diptera: Oestridae). Veterinary Parasitology. 2003;113(3–4):263-272.
Caburlotto G, Lleò MM, Hilton T, Huq A, Colwell RR, Kaper JB. Effect on Human Cells of Environmental Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Strains Carrying Type III Secretion System 2. Infection and ImmunityInfect. Immun.. 2010;78(7):3280-3287.
Getoor L, Ottosson G, Fromherz M, Carlson B. Effective redundant constraints for online scheduling. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL IN℡LIGENCE. 1997:302-307.
Shevtsova N, Reggia JA. Effects of callosal lesions in a model of letter perception. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 2002;2(1):37.
Cheong LF, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y. Effects of Errors in the Viewing Geometry on Shape Estimation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 1998;71(3):356-372.
Lipp EK, Huq A, Colwell RR. Effects of Global Climate on Infectious Disease: The Cholera Model. Clinical Microbiology ReviewsClin. Microbiol. Rev.. 2002;15(4):757-770.
Sutton GG, Reggia JA. Effects of normalization constraints on competitive learning. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on. 1994;5(3):502-504.
Ryu KW, JaJa JF. Efficient algorithms for list ranking and for solving graph problems on the hypercube. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 1990;1(1):83-90.
Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Le Moigne J. Efficient algorithms for robust feature matching. Pattern Recognition. 1999;32(1):17-38.
Katz J, Ostrovsky R, Yung M. Efficient and secure authenticated key exchange using weak passwords. Journal of the ACM (JACM). 2009;57(1):3:1-3:39-3:1-3:39.
Su G-, M. Wu. Efficient bandwidth resource allocation for low-delay multiuser video streaming. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 2005;15(9):1124-1137.
Brennen GK, Bullock SS, O'Leary DP. Efficient Circuits for Exact-Universal Computation with Qudits. Quantum Information and Computation. 2006;6:436-454.
Banerjee S, Agrawala AK, Kramer MJ. Efficient Data Processing using Cross Layer Hints. Technical Reports from UMIACS, UMIACS-TR-2002-59. 2002.
