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Liu M-Y, Tuzel O, Veeraraghavan A, Chellappa R, Agrawal A, Okuda H.  2010.  Pose estimation in heavy clutter using a multi-flash camera. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. :2028-2035.
Biswas S, Chellappa R.  2010.  Pose-robust albedo estimation from a single image. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010 IEEE Conference on. :2683-2690.
Navlakha S, Kingsford C.  2010.  The power of protein interaction networks for associating genes with diseases. Bioinformatics. 26(8):1057-1057.
Haley BJ, Grim CJ, Hasan NA, Taviani E, Chun J, Brettin TS, Bruce DC, Challacombe JF, Detter CJ, Han CS et al..  2010.  The pre‐seventh pandemic Vibrio cholerae BX 330286 El Tor genome: evidence for the environment as a genome reservoir. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 2(1):208-216.
Bröcheler M, Mihalkova L, Getoor L.  2010.  Probabilistic similarity logic. Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
Zellner ML, Riolo RL, Rand W, Brown DG, Page SE, Fernandez LE.  2010.  The problem with zoning: nonlinear effects of interactions between location preferences and externalities on land use and utility. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 37(3):408-428.
Katz J.  2010.  Public-Key Cryptography. Handbook of Information and Communication Security. :21-34.
Earl C, Might M, Van Horn D.  2010.  Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Programs. arXiv:1007.4268 [cs].
Jimmy Lin, Madnani N, Dorr BJ.  2010.  Putting the user in the loop: interactive Maximal Marginal Relevance for query-focused summarization. Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :305-308.
Sankaranarayanan J, Samet H.  2010.  Query Processing Using Distance Oracles for Spatial Networks. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 22(8):1158-1175.
Srinivasan B V, Duraiswami R.  2010.  Random sampling for estimating the performance of fast summations. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.
Li J, Deshpande A.  2010.  Ranking continuous probabilistic datasets. Proc. VLDB Endow.. 3(1-2):638-649.
Wang L, Metzler D, Jimmy Lin.  2010.  Ranking under temporal constraints. Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management. :79-88.
Wu H-H, Kee H, Sane N, Plishker W, Bhattacharyya SS.  2010.  Rapid prototyping for digital signal processing systems using Parameterized Synchronous Dataflow graphs. 2010 21st IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP). :1-7.
Sen P, Deshpande A, Getoor L.  2010.  Read-once functions and query evaluation in probabilistic databases. Proc. VLDB Endow.. 3(1-2):1068-1079.
Friedler SA, Mount D.  2010.  Realistic Compression of Kinetic Sensor Data. CS-TR-4959
Li R, Chellappa R.  2010.  Recognizing offensive strategies from football videos. Image Processing (ICIP), 2010 17th IEEE International Conference on. :4585-4588.
Everett L, Hansen M, Hannenhalli S.  2010.  Regulating the Regulators: Modulators of Transcription Factor Activity. Computational Biology of Transcription Factor BindingComputational Biology of Transcription Factor Binding. 674:297-312.
Huang S, Cohen MB, Memon AM.  2010.  Repairing GUI Test Suites Using a Genetic Algorithm. Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2010 Third International Conference on. :245-254.
Horvitz E, Getoor L, Guestrin C, Hendler J, Kautz H, Konstan J, Subramanian D, Wellman M.  2010.  REPORTS AI Theory and Practice: A Discussion on Hard Challenges and Opportunities Ahead. AI Magazine. 31(3):87-87.
Might M, Smaragdakis Y, Van Horn D.  2010.  Resolving and Exploiting the k-CFA Paradox: Illuminating Functional vs. Object-oriented Program Analysis. PLDI '10 Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. :305-315.
Caragea GC, Tzannes A, Keceli F, Barua R, Vishkin U.  2010.  Resource-Aware Compiler Prefetching for Many-Cores. Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), 2010 Ninth International Symposium on. :133-140.
Li Y, Yu X, Ho J, Fushman D, Allewell NM, Tuchman M, Shi D.  2010.  Reversible Post-Translational Carboxylation Modulates the Enzymatic Activity of N-Acetyl-l-ornithine Transcarbamylase. Biochemistry. 49(32):6887-6895.
Gerdes JW, Gupta SK, Wilkerson SA.  2010.  A Review of Bird-Inspired Flapping Wing Miniature Air Vehicle Designs. 2:57-67.
Samet H.  2010.  Roads Belong in Databases. Data Engineering. :4-4.
