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Resnik P, Buzek O, Hu C, Kronrod Y, Quinn A, Bederson BB.  2010.  Improving translation via targeted paraphrasing. Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. :127-137.
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Zhang W, Abhayapala TD, Kennedy RA, Duraiswami R.  2010.  Insights into head-related transfer function: Spatial dimensionality and continuous representation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 127(4):2347-2357.
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Wu H, Irizarry RA, Corrada Bravo H.  2010.  Intensity normalization improves color calling in SOLiD sequencing. Nat MethNat Meth. 7(5):336-337.
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Medem A, Teixeira R, Feamster N, Meulle M.  2010.  Joint analysis of network incidents and intradomain routing changes. Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2010 International Conference on. :198-205.
Bansal N, Korula N, Nagarajan V, Srinivasan A.  2010.  On k-Column Sparse Packing Programs. Integer Programming and Combinatorial OptimizationInteger Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. 6080:369-382.
Vasan Srinivasan B, Duraiswami R, Zotkin DN.  2010.  Kernelized Rényi distance for speaker recognition. Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. :4506-4509.
Mitra K, Sheorey S, Chellappa R.  2010.  Large-scale matrix factorization with missing data under additional constraints. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 23:1642-1650.
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Gopalan R, Hong T, Shneier M, Chellappa R.  2010.  A Learning Approach Towards Detection and Tracking of Lane Markings. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. PP(99):1-12.
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