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Oard D, Wang J.  1999.  Effects of term segmentation on Chinese/English cross-language information retrieval. String Processing and Information Retrieval Symposium, 1999 and International Workshop on Groupware. :149-157.
Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Le Moigne J.  1999.  Efficient algorithms for robust feature matching. Pattern Recognition. 32(1):17-38.
Friedman N, Getoor L.  1999.  Efficient learning using constrained sufficient statistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS-99).
Barequet G, Duncan CA, Goodrich MT, Kumar S, Pop M.  1999.  Efficient perspective-accurate silhouette computation. Proceedings of the fifteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry. :417-418.
Silvester D, Elman H, Kay D, Wathen A.  1999.  Efficient preconditioning of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations.
Elman H, O'Leary DP.  1999.  Eigenanalysis of Some Preconditioned Helmholtz Problems. Numerische Mathematik. 83:231-257.
Greene S, Tanin E, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B, Olsen L, Major G, Johns S.  1999.  The end of zero-hit queries: query previews for NASA’s Global Change Master Directory. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 2(2):79-90.
Mundur P, Simon R, Sood A.  1999.  End-to-end request handling in distributed Video-on-Demand systems. Proceedings of the CNDS Conference (Society for Computer Simulation). :151-157.
Yacoob Y, Davis LS.  1999.  Estimation of composite object and camera image motion. The Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 1999. 1:190-197vol.1-190-197vol.1.
M\üller-Olm M, Steffen B, Cleaveland R.  1999.  On the evolution of reactive components: A process-algebraic approach. Lecture notes in computer science. :161-175.
Duraiswami R, Zotkin DN, Davis LS.  1999.  Exact solutions for the problem of source location from measured time differences of arrival. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 106:2277-2277.
Fekete J-D, Plaisant C.  1999.  Excentric labeling: dynamic neighborhood labeling for data visualization. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems: the CHI is the limit. :512-519.
Dascal S, Vishkin U.  1999.  Experiments with list ranking for Explicit Multi-Threaded (XMT) instruction parallelism. Algorithm Engineering. :43-59.
Tse T, Vegh S, Shneiderman B, Marchionini G.  1999.  An Exploratory Study of Video Browsing, User Interface Designs and Research Methodologies: Effectiveness in Information Seeking Tasks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING-AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE. 36:681-692.
Keleher PJ, Hollingsworth J, Perkovic D.  1999.  Exposing Application Alternatives. Distributed Computing Systems, International Conference on. :0384-0384.
Cukier M, Chandra R, Henke D, Pistole J, Sanders WH.  1999.  Fault injection based on a partial view of the global state of a distributed system. :168-177.
Wee SJ, Apostolopoulos JG, Feamster N.  1999.  Field-to-frame transcoding with spatial and temporal downsampling. Image Processing, 1999. ICIP 99. Proceedings. 1999 International Conference on. 4:271-275vol.4-271-275vol.4.
Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Fisheye views. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization. :311-311.
Pugh W.  1999.  Fixing the Java memory model. Proceedings of the ACM 1999 conference on Java Grande. :89-98.
Edu CU, Purang K, Purushothaman D, Traum D, Andersen C, Perlis D.  1999.  Fkpurang, darsana, traum, cfa, perlisg@ cs. umd. edu. In Proceedings of the IJCAI’99 Workshop on Practical Reasoning and Rationality.
Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B.  1999.  Focus+ context. Readings in information visualizationReadings in information visualization. :306-309.
Stewart G.W.  1999.  Four algorithms for the efficient computation of truncated pivoted QR approximations to a sparse matrix. Numerische Mathematik. 83(2):313-323.
Han Z, Lin C-K, Goldsman N, Mayergoyz ID, Yu S, Stettler M.  1999.  Gate leakage current simulation by Boltzmann transport equation and its dependence on the gate oxide thickness. Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 1999. SISPAD '99. 1999 International Conference on. :247-250.
El‐Sana J, Varshney A.  1999.  Generalized View‐Dependent Simplification. Computer Graphics Forum. 18(3):83-94.
Cummings MP, Otto SP, Wakeley J.  1999.  Genes and other samples of DNA sequence data for phylogenetic inference. The Biological Bulletin. 196(3):345-350.
