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Lu W, Varna AL, Wu M.  2010.  Forensic hash for multimedia information. SPIE Media Forensics and Security. :7541–0Y-7541–0Y.
Kee H, Bhattacharyya SS, Wong I, Rao Y.  2010.  FPGA-based design and implementation of the 3GPP-LTE physical layer using parameterized synchronous dataflow techniques. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :1510-1513.
Varna AL, Chuang WH, Wu M.  2010.  A framework for theoretical analysis of content fingerprinting. Proc. of SPIE Media Forensics and Security.
Hochheiser H, Shneiderman B.  2010.  From bowling alone to tweeting together: technology-mediated social participation. Interactions. 17(2):64-67.
Srivastava S, Gulwani S, Foster JS.  2010.  From program verification to program synthesis. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 45:313-326.
Cohn G, Gupta S, Froehlich J, Larson E, Patel S.  2010.  GasSense: Appliance-Level, Single-Point Sensing of Gas Activity in the Home. Pervasive Computing. 6030:265-282.
Doermann D, Zotkina E, Li H.  2010.  GEDI - AGroundtruthing Environment for Document Images. Ninth IAPRInternational Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2010).
Lee S, Bhattacharjee B, Banerjee S, Han B.  2010.  A general framework for efficient geographic routing in wireless networks. Computer Networks. 54(5):844-861.
Caragea GC, Keceli F, Tzannes A, Vishkin U.  2010.  General-purpose vs. gpu: Comparison of many-cores on irregular workloads. Proceedings of the Second Usenix Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism. :14-15.
Yuan X, Memon AM.  2010.  Generating Event Sequence-Based Test Cases Using GUI Runtime State Feedback. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 36(1):81-95.
Madnani N, Dorr BJ.  2010.  Generating Phrasal and Sentential Paraphrases: A Survey of Data-Driven Methods. Computational Linguistics. 36(3):341-387.
Rohlfing A-K, Miteva Y, Hannenhalli S, Lamitina T.  2010.  Genetic and Physiological Activation of Osmosensitive Gene Expression Mimics Transcriptional Signatures of Pathogen Infection in C. elegans. PLoS ONEPLoS ONE. 5(2):e9010-e9010.
Grim CJ, Hasan NA, Taviani E, Haley B, Chun J, Brettin TS, Bruce DC, Detter CJ, Han CS, Chertkov O et al..  2010.  Genome Sequence of Hybrid Vibrio Cholerae O1 MJ-1236, B-33, and CIRS101 and Comparative Genomics with V. Cholerae. Journal of BacteriologyJ. Bacteriol.. 192(13):3524-3533.
Chen PE, Cook C, Stewart AC, Nagarajan N, Sommer DD, Pop M, Thomason B, Thomason MPK, Lentz S, Nolan N et al..  2010.  Genomic characterization of the Yersinia genus. Genome biology. 11(1)
Mesmoudi MM, De Floriani L, Magillo P.  2010.  A geometric approach to curvature estimation on triangulated 3D shapes. Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP). :90-95.
Lieberman MD, Samet H, Sankaranayananan J.  2010.  Geotagging: using proximity, sibling, and prominence clues to understand comma groups. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval. :6:1–6:8-6:1–6:8.
Lieberman MD, Samet H, Sankaranarayanan J.  2010.  Geotagging with local lexicons to build indexes for textually-specified spatial data. Data Engineering (ICDE), 2010 IEEE 26th International Conference on. :201-212.
Shneiderman B.  2010.  Getting serious about social media: strategies for increasing civic participation. Proceedings of HCI.
Bista S, Varshney A.  2010.  Global Contours. CS-TR-4957
Srinivasan BV, Hu Q, Duraiswami R.  2010.  GPUML: Graphical processors for speeding up kernel machines. Workshop on High Performance Analytics-Algorithms, Implementations, and Applications.
Garg R, Varna AL, M. Wu.  2010.  Gradient descent approach for secure localization in resource constrained wireless sensor networks. Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. :1854-1857.
Getoor L.  2010.  Graph Identification. Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis IX: 9th International Symposium. :6-6.
Dickerson JP, Simari GI, V.S. Subrahmanian, Kraus S.  2010.  A graph-theoretic approach to protect static and moving targets from adversaries. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: volume 1 - Volume 1. :299-306.
Li R, Chellappa R.  2010.  Group motion segmentation using a Spatio-Temporal Driving Force Model. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010 IEEE Conference on. :2038-2045.
Gordon S, Katz J, Vaikuntanathan V.  2010.  A group signature scheme from lattice assumptions. Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT 2010. :395-412.
