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Pappafotis N, Bejgerowski W, Gullapalli R, Simard MJ, Gupta SK, Desai JP.  2008.  Towards Design and Fabrication of a Miniature MRI-Compatible Robot for Applications in Neurosurgery. :747-754.
Kembhavi A, Farrell R, Luo Y, Jacobs DW, Duraiswami R, Davis LS.  2008.  Tracking Down Under: Following the Satin Bowerbird. Applications of Computer Vision, 2008. WACV 2008. IEEE Workshop on. :1-7.
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Kim J-S, Nam B, Keleher P, Marsh M, Bhattacharjee B, Sussman A.  2008.  Trade-offs in matching jobs and balancing load for distributed desktop grids. Future Generation Computer Systems. 24(5):415-424.
Snellman EA, Colwell RR.  2008.  Transesterification activity of a novel lipase from Acinetobacter venetianus RAG-1. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 94(4):621-625.
Bhatia S, Motiwala M, Muhlbauer W, Mundada Y, Valancius V, Bavier A, Feamster N, Peterson L, Rexford J.  2008.  Trellis: a platform for building flexible, fast virtual networks on commodity hardware. Proceedings of the 2008 ACM CoNEXT Conference. :72:1–72:6-72:1–72:6.
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Sethupathy P, Hannenhalli S.  2008.  A Tutorial of the Poisson Random Field Model in Population Genetics. Advances in Bioinformatics. 2008:1-9.
Zhu Y, Bavier A, Feamster N, Rangarajan S, Rexford J.  2008.  UFO: a resilient layered routing architecture. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 38(5):59-62.
Tran S, Lin Z, Harwood D, Davis LS.  2008.  UMD_VDT, an Integration of Detection and Tracking Methods for Multiple Human Tracking. Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans. :179-190.
Zhu G, Yu X, Li Y, Doermann D.  2008.  Unconstrained Language Identification Using AShape Codebook. The 11th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwritting Recognition (ICFHR 2008). :13-18.
Nagarajan N, Kingsford C.  2008.  Uncovering Genomic Reassortments among Influenza Strains by Enumerating Maximal Bicliques. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2008. BIBM '08. :223-230.
Basili VR, Carver JC, Cruzes D, Hochstein LM, Hollingsworth J, Shull F, Zelkowitz MV.  2008.  Understanding the High-Performance-Computing Community: A Software Engineer's Perspective. Software, IEEE. 25(4):29-36.
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Martin, M.P, Priebe S, Wu M.  2008.  Upstream and downstream in unsteadiness of STBLI using DNS data in two con gurations. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting.
Martin, M.P, Priebe S, Wu M.  2008.  Upstream and downstream influence on the unsteadiness of STBLI using DNS data in two configurations. AIAA Paper 2008-0719, 46, h.
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Xie Q, Memon AM.  2008.  Using a pilot study to derive a GUI model for automated testing. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM). 18(2):7:1–7:35-7:1–7:35.
Osadchy M, Jacobs DW, Ramamoorthi R, Tucker D.  2008.  Using specularities in comparing 3D models and 2D images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 111(3):275-294.
Klasnja P, Harrison BL, LeGrand L, LaMarca A, Froehlich J, Hudson SE.  2008.  Using wearable sensors and real time inference to understand human recall of routine activities. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Ubiquitous computing. :154-163.
Duan L, Martin, M.P.  2008.  Validation of a DNS code for wall-bounded turbulence including finite-rate reactions and surface catalysis. AIAA Paper 2008. 645
