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Conference Papers
Zhou S, Chellappa R, Moghaddam B.  2003.  Adaptive visual tracking and recognition using particle filters. Multimedia and Expo, 2003. ICME '03. Proceedings. 2003 International Conference on. 2:II-349-52vol.2-II-349-52vol.2.
Karagol-Ayan B, Doermann D, Weinberg A.  2006.  Adaptive Transformation-based Learning for Improving Dictionary Tagging. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :257-264.
Broadwater J, Chellappa R.  2006.  An Adaptive Threshold Method for Hyperspectral Target Detection. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2006. ICASSP 2006 Proceedings. 2006 IEEE International Conference on. 5:V-V.
Gopalakrishnan V, Silaghi B, Bhattacharjee B, Keleher P.  2004.  Adaptive replication in peer-to-peer systems. Distributed Computing Systems, 2004. Proceedings. 24th International Conference on. :360-369.
Deshpande A, Ives Z, Raman V.  2007.  Adaptive query processing: why, how, when, what next? Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases. :1426-1427.
Tsoumakos D, Roussopoulos N.  2003.  Adaptive Probabilistic Search for Peer-to-Peer Networks. Peer-to-Peer Computing, IEEE International Conference on. :102-102.
Ma H, Doermann D.  2005.  Adaptive OCR with Limited User Feedback. 8th Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'05). :814-818.
Chandrachoodan N, Bhattacharyya SS, Liu KJR.  2001.  Adaptive negative cycle detection in dynamic graphs. Circuits and Systems, 2001. ISCAS 2001. The 2001 IEEE International Symposium on. 5:163-166.
Zhuolin Jiang, Li S-F, Gao D-F.  2007.  An adaptive mean shift tracking method using multiscale images. Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, 2007. ICWAPR '07. International Conference on. 3:1060-1066.
Hajiaghayi MT, Kleinberg R, Parkes DC.  2004.  Adaptive limited-supply online auctions. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce. :71-80.
Krishnamurthy S, Sanders WH, Cukier M.  2002.  An adaptive framework for tunable consistency and timeliness using replication. :17-26.
Oard D.  1997.  Adaptive filtering of multilingual document streams. Fifth RIAO Conference on Computer Assisted Information Searching on the Internet, June.
Liu KJR, O'Leary DP, Stewart G.W, Wu Y-JJ.  1993.  An adaptive ESPRIT based on URV decomposition. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1993. ICASSP-93., 1993 IEEE International Conference on. 4:37-40vol.4-37-40vol.4.
Hollingsworth J, Miller B.  1996.  An adaptive cost system for parallel program instrumentation. Euro-Par'96 Parallel Processing. :88-97.
Samet H, Teitler BE, Adelfio MD, Lieberman MD.  2011.  Adapting a map query interface for a gesturing touch screen interface. Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web. :257-260.
Consolvo S, McDonald DW, Toscos T, Chen MY, Froehlich J, Harrison B, Klasnja P, LaMarca A, LeGrand L, Libby R et al..  2008.  Activity sensing in the wild: a field trial of ubifit garden. Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. :1797-1806.
Vaswani N, RoyChowdhury A, Chellappa R.  2003.  Activity recognition using the dynamics of the configuration of interacting objects. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. 2:II-633-40vol.2-II-633-40vol.2.
Sharara H, Getoor L, Norton M.  2011.  Active Surveying: A Probabilistic Approach for Identifying Key Opinion Leaders. Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Duraiswami R, Zotkin DN, Davis LS.  2001.  Active speech source localization by a dual coarse-to-fine search. 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2001. Proceedings. (ICASSP '01). 5:3309-3312vol.5-3309-3312vol.5.
Mishra A, Aloimonos Y, Fermüller C.  2009.  Active segmentation for robotics. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2009. IROS 2009. :3133-3139.
Yu X, Fermüller C, Teo C L, Yang Y, Aloimonos Y.  2011.  Active scene recognition with vision and language. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). :810-817.
Andrade H, Kurc T, Sussman A, Saltz J.  2002.  Active Proxy-G: Optimizing the query execution process in the Grid. Proceedings of the 2002 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing. :1-15.
Hurter C, Girouard A, Riche N, Plaisant C.  2011.  Active progress bars: facilitating the switch to temporary activities. Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :1963-1968.
Anderson ML, Josyula D, Perlis D, Purang K.  2004.  Active logic for more effective human-computer interaction and other commonsense applications. Proceedings of the Workshop Empirically Successful First-Order Reasoning, International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning.
Chen D, Bilgic M, Getoor L, Jacobs DW, Mihalkova L, Tom Yeh.  2011.  Active inference for retrieval in camera networks. Person-Oriented Vision (POV), 2011 IEEE Workshop on. :13-20.
