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Journal Articles
Shneiderman B.  1991.  Touch screens now offer compelling uses. IEEE Software. 8(2):93-94.
Plaisant C, Sears A.  1992.  Touchscreen interfaces for alphanumeric data entry. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings. 36(4):293-297.
Shneiderman B.  1993.  Touchscreens now offer compelling uses. Sparks of innovation in human-computer interaction. :187-187.
Rand W, Brown D, Riolo R, Robinson D.  2005.  Toward a graphical ABM toolkit with GIS integration. Proceedings of Agent2005.
Voss C, Dorr BJ.  1995.  Toward a lexicalized grammar for interlinguas. Machine Translation. 10(1):143-184.
Marchionini G, Haas S, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B, Hert C.  2005.  Toward a Statistical Knowledge Network (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Shneiderman B, Shapiro SC.  1976.  Toward a theory of encoded data structures and data translation. International Journal of Parallel Programming. 5(1):33-43.
Haas SW, Denn S, Locke D, Shneiderman B, Brown L.  2006.  Toward an enriched (and revitalized) sense of help: Summary of an ASIS&T 2005 panel session. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 32(5):23-26.
Jimmy Lin, Wu P, Abels E.  2008.  Toward automatic facet analysis and need negotiation: Lessons from mediated search. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS). 27(1):6:1–6:42-6:1–6:42.
Hu Q, Syal M, Gumerov NA, Duraiswami R, Leishman JG.  2011.  Toward improved aeromechanics simulations using recent advancements in scientific computing. Proceedings 67th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society. :3-5.
Deshpande A, Hicks MW.  2005.  Toward on-line schema evolution for non-stop systems. 11th High Performance Transaction Systems Workshop.
Vishkin U.  2008.  Toward Realizing a PRAM-on-a-Chip Vision. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4854:5-6.
Regier JC, Zwick A, Cummings MP, Kawahara AY, Cho S, Weller S, Roe A, Baixeras J, Brown JW, Parr C et al..  2009.  Toward reconstructing the evolution of advanced moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia): an initial molecular study. BMC Evol Biol. 9:280-280.
Hicks MW, Swamy N, Tsang S.  2007.  Toward Specifying and Validating Cross-Domain Policies. Technical Reports from UMIACS.
Martin, M.P, Weirs G, Candler GV, Piomelli U, Johnson H, Nompelis I.  2000.  Toward the large-eddy simulation over a hypersonic elliptical cross-section cone. AIAA Paper No. 00-2311.
Motiwala M, Dhamdhere A, Feamster N, Lakhina A.  2012.  Towards a cost model for network traffic. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev.. 42(1):54-60.
Naishlos D, Nuzman J, Tseng CW, Vishkin U.  2003.  Towards a first vertical prototyping of an extremely fine-grained parallel programming approach. Theory of Computing Systems. 36(5):521-552.
Feamster N, Balakrishnan H.  2003.  Towards a logic for wide-area Internet routing. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev.. 33(4):289-300.
Yoon I, Sussman A, Memon AM, Porter A.  2011.  Towards incremental component compatibility testing. Proceedings of the 14th international ACM Sigsoft symposium on Component based software engineering, CBSE. 11:119-128.
Regli WC, Gupta SK, Nau DS.  1997.  Towards multiprocessor feature recognition. Computer-Aided Design. 29(1):37-51.
Stefanov E, Elaine Shi, Song D.  2011.  Towards Practical Oblivious RAM. arXiv:1106.3652.
Brough J, Schwartz M, Gupta SK, Anand D, Kavetsky R, Pettersen R.  2007.  Towards the development of a virtual environment-based training system for mechanical assembly operations. Virtual Reality. 11(4):189-206.
Alam M, Sultana M, Nair BG, Sack BR, Sack DA, Siddique AK, Ali A, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2006.  Toxigenic Vibrio Cholerae in the Aquatic Environment of Mathbaria, Bangladesh. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 72(4):2849-2855.
Mao Y, Wu M.  2007.  Tracing malicious relays in cooperative wireless communications. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on. 2(2):198-212.
Shao J, Zhou SK, Chellappa R.  2005.  Tracking Algorithm Using Background-Foreground Motion Models and Multiple Cues. ICASSP apos. :233-236.
