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Deshpande A, Getoor L, Sen P.  2009.  Graphical models for uncertain data. Managing and Mining Uncertain Data. :77-77.
Kantere V, Tsoumakos D, Sellis T, Roussopoulos N.  2009.  GrouPeer: Dynamic clustering of P2P databases. Information Systems. 34(1):62-86.
Butler S, Hajiaghayi MT, Kleinberg RD, Leighton T.  2009.  Hat guessing games. SIAM review. 51(2):399-413.
Gillam M, Feied C, MOODY E, Shneiderman B, Smith M, DICKASON J.  2009.  HEALTH AND WELLBEING. The fourth paradigm: data-intensive scientific discovery. :57-57.
He S, Kirovski D, M. Wu.  2009.  High-Fidelity Data Embedding for Image Annotation. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 18(2):429-435.
[Anonymous].  2009.  HotSWUp '09: Proceedings of the 2Nd International Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades.
Druin A, Foss E, Hatley L, Golub E, Guha ML, Fails J, Hutchinson H.  2009.  How children search the internet with keyword interfaces. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. :89-96.
Ramanathan N, Chellappa R.  2009.  How would you look as you age ? Image Processing (ICIP), 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on. :53-56.
Schwartz W R, Kembhavi A, Harwood D, Davis LS.  2009.  Human detection using partial least squares analysis. Computer Vision, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on. :24-31.
Froehlich J, Larson E, Campbell T, Haggerty C, Fogarty J, Patel SN.  2009.  HydroSense: infrastructure-mediated single-point sensing of whole-home water activity. Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, September.
Baden R, Spring N, Bhattacharjee B.  2009.  Identifying close friends on the internet. Proc. of workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-VIII).
Namata, Jr. G MS, Getoor L.  2009.  Identifying graphs from noisy and incomplete data. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Uncertain Data. :23-29.
Domke J, Aloimonos Y.  2009.  Image Transformations and Blurring. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 31(5):811-823.
O'donovan A, Duraiswami R, Gumerov NA, Zotkin DN.  2009.  Imaging room acoustics with the audio camera.. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 125(4):2544-2544.
Smorul M, Song S, JaJa JF.  2009.  An Implementation of the Audit Control Environment (ACE) to Support the Long Term Integrity of Digital Archives. Proceedings of DigCCurr2009 Digital Curation: Practice, Promise and Prospects. :164-164.
Jakobsson M, Elaine Shi, Golle P, Chow R.  2009.  Implicit authentication for mobile devices. :9-9.
Archer A, Bateni MH, Hajiaghayi MT, Karloff H.  2009.  Improved approximation algorithms for prize-collecting Steiner tree and TSP. 2009 50th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. :427-436.
Choi SGeol, Dachman-Soled D, Malkin T, Wee H.  2009.  Improved Non-committing Encryption with Applications to Adaptively Secure Protocols. Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2009. :287-302.
Marton Y, Callison-Burch C, Resnik P.  2009.  Improved statistical machine translation using monolingually-derived paraphrases. Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Volume 1-Volume 1. :381-390.
Berlin K, O’Leary DP, Fushman D.  2009.  Improvement and analysis of computational methods for prediction of residual dipolar couplings. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 201(1):25-33.
Dunne C, Shneiderman B.  2009.  Improving graph drawing readability by incorporating readability metrics: A software tool for network analysts. University of Maryland, HCIL Tech Report HCIL-2009-13.
DuBois T, Golbeck J, Kleint J, Srinivasan A.  2009.  Improving recommendation accuracy by clustering social networks with trust. Recommender Systems & the Social Web. :1-8.
Huynh TQ, Reggia JA.  2009.  Improving rule extraction from neural networks by modifying hidden layer representations. Neural Networks, 2009. IJCNN 2009. International Joint Conference on. :1316-1321.
Zhao FC, Oard D, Baron JR.  2009.  Improving search effectiveness in the legal e-discovery process using relevance feedback. Proceedings of the global E-Discovery/E-Disclosure workshop on electronically stored information in discovery at the 12th international conference on artificial intelligence and law (ICAIL09 DESI Workshop). DESI Press, Barcelona.
Katz J, Koo C-Y, Kumaresan R.  2009.  Improving the round complexity of VSS in point-to-point networks. Information and Computation. 207(8):889-899.
