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Journal Articles
Shneiderman B, Preece J, Pirolli P.  2011.  Realizing the value of social media requires innovative computing research. Communications of the ACM. 54(9):34-37.
Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R, Hariatoglu I, Davis LS, Otsuka T.  1999.  A real-time audio–video front-end for multimedia applications. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 106:2271-2271.
Thakur A, Gupta SK.  2011.  Real-time dynamics simulation of unmanned sea surface vehicle for virtual environments. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 11:031005-031005.
Kim K, Chalidabhongse TH, Harwood D, Davis LS.  2005.  Real-time foreground-background segmentation using codebook model. Real-time imaging. 11(3):172-185.
Hao X, Varshney A.  2004.  Real-time rendering of translucent meshes. ACM Trans. Graph.. 23(2):120-142.
Li Z, Varshney A.  2002.  A real-time seamless tiled display system for 3D graphics. Immersive Projection Technology Symposium of the IEEE Virtual Reality 2002 Conference (VR2002 IPT).
Kraus S, Perlis D, Horty JF.  1991.  Reasoning about ignorance: A note on the Bush-Gorbachev problem. Fundam. Inform.. 15(3-4):325-332.
Elgot-Drapkin JJ, Perlis D.  1990.  Reasoning situated in time I: Basic concepts. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intellige. 2(1):75-98.
Bourne D, Corney J, Gupta SK.  2011.  Recent advances and future challenges in automated manufacturing planning. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 11:021006-021006.
Reggia JA, Peng Y, Bourret P.  1991.  Recent applications of competitive activation mechanisms. Neural Networks: Advances and Applications. :33-62.
Wang J, Dam G, Yildirim S, Rand W, Wilensky U, Houk JC.  2008.  Reciprocity between the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex: Nonlinear dynamics in microscopic modules for generating voluntary motor commands. Complexity. 14(2):29-45.
Madsen LD, Colwell RR.  2016.  Recognition of achievement – priorities and process. Materials Today. 19(10):547-549.
Turaga P, Veeraraghavan A, Chellappa R.  2008.  Recognition of Humans and their Activities using Statistical analysis on Stiefel and Grassmann Manifolds. Red. 7:643-643.
Chellappa R, Roy-Chowdhury AK, Zhou KS.  2005.  Recognition of Humans and Their Activities Using Video. Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing. 1(1):1-173.
Basri R, Jacobs DW.  1997.  Recognition using region correspondences. International Journal of Computer Vision. 25(2):145-166.
Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1993.  Recognizing 3-D Motion. INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL IN℡LIGENCE. 13:1624-1624.
Zhuolin Jiang, Lin Z, Davis LS.  2012.  Recognizing Human Actions by Learning and Matching Shape-Motion Prototype Trees. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 34(3):533-547.
Yacoob Y, Davis LS.  1996.  Recognizing human facial expressions from long image sequences using optical flow. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 18(6):636-642.
Llorca J, Desai A, Vishkin U, Davis CC, Milner SD.  2004.  Reconfigurable optical wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of SPIE. 5237(1):136-146.
Gilsinn DE, Cheok GS, O'Leary DP.  2004.  Reconstructing Images of Bar Codes for Construction Site Object Recognition. Automation in Construction (Elsevier). 13:21-35.
Williams CC, Hollingsworth J.  2005.  Recovering system specific rules from software repositories. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes. 30(4):1-5.
Coutard F|[ccedil]|ois, Crassous P, Droguet M|[euml]|l, Gobin E, Colwell RR, Pommepuy M, Hervio-Heath D.  2007.  Recovery in culture of viable but nonculturable Vibrio parahaemolyticus: regrowth or resuscitation? The ISME Journal. 1(2):111-120.
Doermann D, Rosenfeld A.  1994.  Recovery of Temporal Information from Static Images of Handwriting. International Journal of Computer Vision. 52(1-2):143-164.
Hinsch H, Hannenhalli S.  2006.  Recurring genomic breaks in independent lineages support genomic fragility. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 6(1):90-90.
Gumerov NA, Duraiswami R.  2004.  Recursions for the computation of multipole translation and rotation coefficients for the 3-D Helmholtz equation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 25(4):1344-1381.
