Mean-shift analysis using quasiNewton methods

TitleMean-shift analysis using quasiNewton methods
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsYang C, Duraiswami R, DeMenthon D, Davis LS
Conference NameImage Processing, 2003. ICIP 2003. Proceedings. 2003 International Conference on
Date Published2003/09//
Keywordsanalysis;, classification;, clustering, clustering;, Convergence, density, estimation;, feature-space, image, irregular, iterative, Mean-shift, method;, methods;, Newton, nonparametric, pattern, procedure;, quasiNewton, rates;, segmentation;, technique;, topography;

Mean-shift analysis is a general nonparametric clustering technique based on density estimation for the analysis of complex feature spaces. The algorithm consists of a simple iterative procedure that shifts each of the feature points to the nearest stationary point along the gradient directions of the estimated density function. It has been successfully applied to many applications such as segmentation and tracking. However, despite its promising performance, there are applications for which the algorithm converges too slowly to be practical. We propose and implement an improved version of the mean-shift algorithm using quasiNewton methods to achieve higher convergence rates. Another benefit of our algorithm is its ability to achieve clustering even for very complex and irregular feature-space topography. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithm.
