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1999. Efficient learning using constrained sufficient statistics. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS-99).
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1999. The end of zero-hit queries: query previews for NASA’s Global Change Master Directory. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 2(2):79-90.
1999. End-to-end request handling in distributed Video-on-Demand systems. Proceedings of the CNDS Conference (Society for Computer Simulation). :151-157.
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1999. On the evolution of reactive components: A process-algebraic approach. Lecture notes in computer science. :161-175.
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1999. Four algorithms for the efficient computation of truncated pivoted QR approximations to a sparse matrix. Numerische Mathematik. 83(2):313-323.
1999. Gate leakage current simulation by Boltzmann transport equation and its dependence on the gate oxide thickness. Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 1999. SISPAD '99. 1999 International Conference on. :247-250.
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