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Wang T D, Plaisant C, Quinn AJ, Stanchak R, Murphy S, Shneiderman B.  2008.  Aligning temporal data by sentinel events: discovering patterns in electronic health records. Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. :457-466.
Yuan X, Memon AM.  2008.  Alternating GUI Test Generation and Execution. Practice and Research Techniques, 2008. TAIC PART '08. Testing: Academic Industrial Conference. :23-32.
Condon E, He A, Cukier M.  2008.  Analysis of Computer Security Incident Data Using Time Series Models. :77-86.
Tariq M, Zeitoun A, Valancius V, Feamster N, Ammar M.  2008.  Answering what-if deployment and configuration questions with wise. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2008 conference on Data communication. :99-110.
Madnani N, Resnik P, Dorr BJ, Schwartz R.  2008.  Applying automatically generated semantic knowledge: A case study in machine translation. NSF Symposium on Semantic Knowledge Discovery, Organization and Use.
Shirdhonkar S, Jacobs DW.  2008.  Approximate earth mover's distance in linear time. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on. :1-8.
Chafekar D, Kumart VSA, Marathe MV, Parthasarathy S, Srinivasan A.  2008.  Approximation Algorithms for Computing Capacity of Wireless Networks with SINR Constraints. IEEE INFOCOM 2008. The 27th Conference on Computer Communications. :1166-1174.
Schlesinger JD, O'Leary DP, Conroy JM.  2008.  Arabic/English Multi-document Summarization with CLASSYThe Past and the Future. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 4919Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 4919. :568-581.
Song S, JaJa JF.  2008.  Archiving Temporal Web Information: Organization of Web Contents for Fast Access and Compact Storage. UMIACS-TR-2008-08
Madnani N, Resnik P, Dorr BJ, Schwartz R.  2008.  Are multiple reference translations necessary? investigating the value of paraphrased reference translations in parameter optimization Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, October.
Balkan AO, Qu G, Vishkin U.  2008.  An area-efficient high-throughput hybrid interconnection network for single-chip parallel processing. Proceedings of the 45th annual Design Automation Conference. :435-440.
Hochstein L, Basili VR.  2008.  The ASC-Alliance Projects: A Case Study of Large-Scale Parallel Scientific Code Development. Computer. 41(3):50-58.
Wong EW, Tse TH, Glass RL, Basili VR, Chen TY.  2008.  An assessment of systems and software engineering scholars and institutions (2001–2005). Journal of Systems and Software. 81(6):1059-1062.
Triandopoulos N, Goodrich MT, Papamanthou C, Tamassia R.  2008.  Athos: Efficient Authentication of Outsourced File Systems: Information Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. :80-96.
Duraiswami R, O'donovan A, Neumann J, Gumerov NA.  2008.  Audio Camera Using Microphone Arrays for Real Time Capture of Audio Images .... 12/127,451
Lieberman MD, Sankaranarayanan J, Samet H, Sperling J.  2008.  Augmenting spatio-textual search with an infectious disease ontology. Data Engineering Workshop, 2008. ICDEW 2008. IEEE 24th International Conference on. :266-269.
Papamanthou C, Tamassia R, Triandopoulos N.  2008.  Authenticated Hash Tables. CCS '08 Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security . :437-448.
Ramachandran AV, Feamster N.  2008.  Authenticated out-of-band communication over social links. Proceedings of the first workshop on Online social networks. :61-66.
Grushin A, Reggia JA.  2008.  Automated design of distributed control rules for the self-assembly of prespecified artificial structures. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 56(4):334-359.
Morariu V, Srinivasan BV, Raykar VC, Duraiswami R, Davis LS.  2008.  Automatic online tuning for fast Gaussian summation. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
Memon AM.  2008.  Automatically repairing event sequence-based GUI test suites for regression testing. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM). 18(2):4:1–4:36-4:1–4:36.
V.S. Subrahmanian, Reforgiato D.  2008.  AVA: Adjective-Verb-Adverb Combinations for Sentiment Analysis. Intelligent Systems, IEEE. 23(4):43-50.
Deligiannakis A, Kotidis Y, Roussopoulos N.  2008.  Bandwidth-constrained queries in sensor networks. The VLDB Journal. 17(3):443-467.
Liu P, Shi Q, Daumé H, Voth GA.  2008.  A Bayesian statistics approach to multiscale coarse graining. The Journal of chemical physics. 129:214114-214114.
Bertini E, Perer A, Plaisant C, Santucci G.  2008.  BELIV'08: Beyond time and errors: novel evaluation methods for information visualization. CHI '08 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. :3913-3916.
