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Conference Papers
Kumaran K, Srinivasan A, Wang Q, Lanning S, Ramakrishnan KG.  2001.  Efficient algorithms for location and sizing problems in network design. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2001. GLOBECOM '01. 4:2586-2590vol.4-2586-2590vol.4.
Mount D, Netanyahu NS.  1993.  Efficient algorithms for robust circular arc estimators. Proceedings of the Fifth Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Le Moigne J.  1997.  Efficient algorithms for robust feature matching. Image Registration Workshop Proceedings.
Katz J.  2003.  Efficient and non-malleable proofs of plaintext knowledge and applications. Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Theory and applications of cryptographic techniques. :211-228.
Ran Y, Weiss I, Zheng Q, Davis LS.  2004.  An Efficient and Robust Human Classification Algorithm using Finite Frequencies Probing. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2004. CVPRW '04. Conference on. :132-132.
Hsiao HC, Studer A, Dubey R, Elaine Shi, Perrig A.  2011.  Efficient and secure threshold-based event validation for vanets.
Sahinalp SC, Vishkin U.  1996.  Efficient approximate and dynamic matching of patterns using a labeling paradigm. Foundations of Computer Science, 1996. Proceedings., 37th Annual Symposium on. :320-328.
Hussein M, Abd-Almageed W.  2009.  Efficient band approximation of Gram matrices for large scale kernel methods on GPUs. Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing Networking, Storage and Analysis. :31:1–31:10-31:1–31:10.
Su G-M, M. Wu.  2004.  Efficient bandwidth resource allocation for low-delay multiuser MPEG-4 video transmission. Communications, 2004 IEEE International Conference on. 3:1308-1312Vol.3-1308-1312Vol.3.
Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R, Gumerov NA.  2007.  Efficient Conversion of X.Y Surround Sound Content to Binaural Head-Tracked Form for HRTF-Enabled Playback. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007. ICASSP 2007. 1:I-21-I-24-I-21-I-24.
Katz J.  2007.  Efficient cryptographic protocols based on the hardness of learning parity with noise. Proceedings of the 11th IMA international conference on Cryptography and coding. :1-15.
Sharaf MA, Sismanis Y, Labrinidis A, Chrysanthis P, Roussopoulos N.  2003.  Efficient dissemination of aggregate data over the wireless web. International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB). :93-98.
Duraiswami R, Gumerov NA, Zotkin DN, Davis LS.  2001.  Efficient evaluation of reverberant sound fields. Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2001 IEEE Workshop on the. :203-206.
Lee S, Bhattacharjee B, Banerjee S.  2005.  Efficient geographic routing in multihop wireless networks. Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing. :230-241.
Biswas S, Aggarwal G, Chellappa R.  2007.  Efficient Indexing For Articulation Invariant Shape Matching And Retrieval. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007. CVPR '07. IEEE Conference on. :1-8.
Tikir MM, Hollingsworth J.  2002.  Efficient instrumentation for code coverage testing. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 27:86-96.
Heitzmann A, Palazzi B, Papamanthou C, Tamassia R.  2008.  Efficient Integrity Checking of Untrusted Network Storage. StorageSS '08 Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Storage Security and Survivability . :43-54.
Memarsadeghi N, Raykar VC, Duraiswami R, Mount D.  2008.  Efficient Kriging via Fast Matrix-Vector Products. Aerospace Conference, 2008 IEEE. :1-7.
Memarsadeghi N, Raykar VC, Duraiswami R, Mount D.  2008.  Efficient Kriging via Fast Matrix-Vector Products. Aerospace Conference, 2008 IEEE. :1-7.
Morselli R, Bhattacharjee B, Srinivasan A, Marsh MA.  2005.  Efficient lookup on unstructured topologies. Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing. :77-86.
Beynon MD, Sussman A, Kurc T, Catalyurek U, Saltz J.  2002.  Efficient Manipulation of Large Datasets on Heterogeneous Storage Systems. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, International. 2:0084-0084.
Yang C, Duraiswami R, Davis LS.  2005.  Efficient mean-shift tracking via a new similarity measure. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005. IEEE Computer Society Conference on. 1:176-183vol.1-176-183vol.1.
Aggarwal A, Bar-Noy A, Khuller S, Kravets D, Schieber B.  1992.  Efficient minimum cost matching using quadrangle inequality. Foundations of Computer Science, 1992. Proceedings., 33rd Annual Symposium on. :583-592.
Bhat GS, Cleaveland R, Groce A.  2001.  Efficient Model Checking Via Buchi Tableau Automata⋆. Computer aided verification: 13th International conference, CAV 2001, Paris, France, July 18-22, 2001: proceedings. 2102:38-38.
Bhat G, Cleaveland R.  1996.  Efficient model checking via the equational μ-calculus. , Eleventh Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 1996. LICS '96. Proceedings. :304-312.
