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Journal Articles
Colwell RR.  2008.  Silent Sputnik. BioScience. 58(1):3-3.
Boneh D, Freeman D, Katz J, Waters B.  2009.  Signing a linear subspace: Signature schemes for network coding. Public Key Cryptography–PKC 2009. :68-87.
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Zhu G, Zheng Y, Doermann D, Jaeger S.  2009.  Signature Detection and Matching for Document Image Retrieval. IEEETransactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 31(11):2015-2031.
Chen Y, Chakrabarti C, Bhattacharyya SS, Bougard B.  2010.  Signal Processing on Platforms with Multiple Cores: Part 2-Applications and Design [From the Guest Editors]. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 27(2):20-21.
Wu M.  2007.  Signal Processing Magazine E-Newsletter: Inside Out [From the Editor]. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE. 24(6):2-8.
Jain AK, Chellappa R, Draper SC, Memon N, Phillips PJ, Vetro A.  2007.  Signal Processing for Biometric Systems [DSP Forum]. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE. 24(6):146-152.
Zotkin DN, Duraiswami R.  2010.  Signal Processing for Audio HCI. Handbook of Signal Processing Systems. :243-265.
Nau DS, Au TC, Ilghami O, Kuter U, Murdock JW, Wu D, Yaman F.  2003.  SHOP2: An HTN planning system. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR). 20:379-404.
Gupta SK.  1999.  Sheet metal bending operation planning: using virtual node generation to improve search efficiency. Journal of manufacturing systems. 18(2):127-139.
Gupta SK, Rajagopal D.  2002.  Sheet metal bending: forming part families for generating shared press-brake setups. Journal of manufacturing systems. 21(5):329-349.
Patel VM, Easley GR, Healy DM.  2009.  Shearlet-Based Deconvolution. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 18(12):2673-2685.
Tzoumas K, Deshpande A, Jensen CS.  2010.  Sharing-aware horizontal partitioning for exploiting correlations during query processing. Proc. VLDB Endow.. 3(1-2):542-553.
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Lin Z, Davis LS.  2010.  Shape-based human detection and segmentation via hierarchical part-template matching. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 32(4):604-618.
Veeraraghavan A, Chellappa R, Srinivasan M.  2008.  Shape-and-Behavior Encoded Tracking of Bee Dances. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 30(3):463-476.
Brodsky T, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  1998.  Shape from video: Beyond the epipolar constraint. Proceedings of the DARPA Image Understanding Workshop.
Aloimonos Y.  1988.  Shape from texture. Biological Cybernetics. 58(5):345-360.
Aloimonos Y, Swain M.  1988.  Shape from patterns: Regularization. International journal of computer vision. 2(2):171-187.
Ling H, Jacobs DW.  2007.  Shape Classification Using the Inner-Distance. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 29(2):286-299.
Gupta A, Shi J, Davis LS.  2008.  A “Shape Aware” Model for semi-supervised Learning of Objects and its Context. Proc. of NIPS.
Ogale AS, Aloimonos Y.  2005.  Shape and the stereo correspondence problem. International Journal of Computer Vision. 65(3):147-162.
