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Author Title Type [ Year] Filters: Block-preconditioners-discrete-incompressible-navier%E2%80%93stokes-equations is [Clear All Filters]
1991. Visual recovery.
1991. VLSI architectures for multidimensional transforms. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 40(9):1053-1057.
1991. VLSI architectures for template matching and block matching. Parallel architectures and algorithms for image understanding. :3-27.
1991. Window control strategies for hypertext traversal: An empirical study. Proc. 29th Annual ACM DC Technical Symposium.
1991. Yet another polynomial preconditioner for the conjugate gradient algorithm. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 154–156:377-388.
1990. The advantages of hypertext for large information spaces; where are the big systems? Hypertext: concepts, systems and applications: proceedings of the First European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990. (5):343-343.
1990. On automatically distinguishing inequivalent processes. Workshop on Computer-Aided Verification.
1990. On bounds for scaled projections and pseudoinverses. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 132:115-117.
1990. Catastrophe theory and computational vision. Proc. AAAI-90 Workshop on Qualitative Vision. :96-100.
1990. Characterization of enhancer-of-white-apricot in Drosophila melanogaster.. GeneticsGenetics. 126(4):1061-1069.
1990. Competitive learning using competitive activation rules. Neural Networks, 1990., 1990 IJCNN International Joint Conference on. :285-291.
1990. Computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric arrowhead matrices. Journal of Computational Physics. 90(2):497-505.
1990. Connectionist models and information retrieval. Annual review of information science and technology. 25:209-262.
1990. A Cross-Linguistic Approach to Translation. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Language. :13-33.
1990. Deterministic sampling—a new technique for fast pattern matching. Proceedings of the twenty-second annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing. :170-180.
1990. Diagnostic reasoning at multiple levels of abstraction. AI Systems in Government Conference, 1990. Proceedings., Fifth Annual. :168-175.
1990. Displaying voxel-based objects according to their qualitative shape synthesis. Proceedings of the 1st conference on Visualization'90. :51-58.
1990. Drosophila melanogaster genes for U1 snRNA variants and their expression during development. Nucleic Acids ResearchNucl. Acids Res.. 18(23):6971-6979.