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1991. VLSI architectures for multidimensional transforms. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 40(9):1053-1057.
1991. VLSI architectures for template matching and block matching. Parallel architectures and algorithms for image understanding. :3-27.
1993. VLSI implementation of a tree searched vector quantizer. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 41(2):901-905.
2007. Voila: Efficient feature-value acquisition for classification. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 22(2):1225-1225.
2006. VoIP deregulation in South Africa: Implications for underserviced areas. Telecommunications Policy. 30(5–6):332-344.
2002. A voyage of discovery: cholera, climate and complexity. Environmental Microbiology. 4(2):67-69.
2004. WalkSAT as an Informed Heuristic to DPLL in SAT Solving. Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle.
1998. Walkthroughs of complex environments using image-based simplification. Computers & Graphics. 22(1):55-69.
2011. Warming Oceans, Phytoplankton, and River Discharge: Implications for Cholera Outbreaks. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 85(2):303-308.
2013. A water marker monitored by satellites to predict seasonal endemic cholera. Remote Sensing Letters. 4472741982394456(8):822-831.
2002. Wavelength rerouting in optical networks, or the Venetian Routing problem. Journal of Algorithms. 45(2):93-125.
2012. We are what we eat: how the diet of infants affects their gut microbiome. Genome Biology. 13(4)
1988. We can design better user interfaces: A review of human-computer interaction styles. Ergonomics. 31(5):699-710.
2010. A Web Database for Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis of Medical Images. Digital Mammography. :265-272.
2007. Web science: a provocative invitation to computer science. Communications of the ACM. 50(6):25-27.
2001. Web-based interactive design of freeform motions. Proceedings of the ASME 2001 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
2005. Weighted coloring based channel assignment for WLANs. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review. 9(3):19-31.
2008. A Weighted GCV Method for Lanczos Hybrid Regularization. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. 28:149-167.
1997. On the weighting method for least squares problems with linear equality constraints. BIT Numerical Mathematics. 37(4):961-967.
2009. What a mesh: understanding the design tradeoffs for streaming multicast. SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev.. 37(2):85-86.
2006. What are the grand challenges for data mining? - KDD-2006 panel report ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter. 8(2):70-77.
2005. What children can teach us: Developing digital libraries for children with children. Library Quarterly. 75(1):20-41.