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Fast Fourier Transform

We next consider the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) computation. This algorithm computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of an n-dimensional complex vector x, defined by , where , for , and , , in arithmetic operations.

Our implementation on the BDM model is based on the following well-known fact (e.g. see [17]). Let the n-dimensional vector x be stored in the matrix X in row-major order form, where p is an arbitrary integer that divides n. Then the DFT of the vector x is given by

where is the submatrix of consisting of the first rows and the first p columns (twiddle-factor scaling), and is elementwise multiplication. Notice that the resulting output is a matrix holding the vector in column major order form. Equation (1) can be interpreted as computing DFT() on each column of X, followed by a twiddle-factor scaling, and finally computing DFT(p) on each row of the resulting matrix.

Let the BDM machine have p processors such that p divides n and . The initial data layout corresponds to the row major order form of the data , i.e., the local memory of processor will hold . Then the algorithm suggested by (1) can be performed by the following three stages. The first stage involves a local computation of a DFT of size in each processor, followed by the twiddle-factor scaling (elementwise multiplication by ). The second stage is a communication step that involves a matrix transposition as outlined in Lemma 3.3. Finally, local FFTs each of size p are sufficient to complete the overall FFT computation on n points. Therefore we have the following theorem.

Remark: The algorithm described in [8] can also be implemented on our model within the same complexity bounds. However our algorithm is somewhat simpler to implement.

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