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Experimental Results

Figure 1: Final distribution of the keys corresponding to our input data sets

We examine the performance of our h-relation algorithm on various configurations of the TMC CM-5, IBM SP-2, Meiko CS-2, and Cray T3D, using four values of h: , , , and . The data sets used in these experiments are defined as follows. Our input of size n is initially distributed cyclically across the p processors such that each processor initially holds keys, for . For the input consists of keys labelled for , followed by keys labelled for , and so forth, (with keys labelled for ), with the last keys labelled for . Note that this results in the same data movement as the transpose primitivegif. For , instead of an equal number of elements destined for each processor, the function , for (), is characterized by


The result of this data movement, shown in Figure 1, is that processor 0 receives the largest imbalance of elements, i.e. h, while other processors receive varying block sizes ranging from 0 to at most h. For , approximately processors receive no elements, and hence this represents an extremely unbalanced case. Note that in these tests, each element consists of two integergif fields, data and dest, although only the destination field dest is used to route each element.

Figure 2: Performance of personalized communication () with respect to machine and problem size

As shown in Figure 2, the time to route an h-relation personalized communication for a given input size on a varying number of processors (p) scales inversely with p whenever n is large compared with p. For small inputs compared with the machine size, however, the communication time is dominated by O as shown in the case of the 128-processor Cray T3D with n = 256K. The routing time for a fixed problem and machine size varies directly with the parameter h (see Figure 6 in Appendix A). These empirical results from a variety of parallel machines are consistent with the analysis given in Eq. (8). We have used vendor-supplied libraries for collective communication primitives on the IBM SP-2 implementation. The other machines used in this experiment do not have vendor-supported collective communication libraries, and hence we used our generic communication primitives as described in [7,6,5].

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David A. Bader