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-Connected Components of Greyscale Images


The high-level strategy of our connected components algorithm uses the well-known divide and conquer technique. Divide and conquer algorithms typically use a recursive strategy to split problems into smaller subproblems and, given the solutions to these subproblems, merge the results into the final solution. It is common to have either an easy splitting algorithm and a more complicated merging, or vice versa, a hard splitting, following by easy merging. In our parallel connected components algorithm, the splitting phase is trivial and implicit, while the merging process requires more work.

Each processor holds a unique tile of the image, and hence can find the initial connected components of its tile by using a standard sequential algorithm based upon breadth-first search. Next, the algorithm iterates timesgif, alternating between combining the tiles in horizontal merges of vertical borders and vertical merges of horizontal borders. Our algorithm uses novel techniques to perform the merges and to update the labels. We will attempt to give an overview of this algorithm; for a complete description, see [4].

We merge the p subimages into larger and larger image sections with consistent labelings. There will be iterations since we cut the number of uncombined subimages in half during each iteration. Unlike previous connected components algorithms, we use a technique which identifies processors as group managers or clients during each phase. The group managers have the task of organizing the retrieval of boundary data, performing the merge, and creating the list of label changes. Once the group managers broadcast these changes to their respective clients, all processors must use the information to update their tile hooks, data structures which point to connected components on local tile borders. See Figure 4 for an illustration of the tile hook data structure in which three tile hooks contain the information needed to update the border pixels. The clients assist the group managers by participating in the coalescing of data during each merge phase. Finally, the complete relabeling is performed at the very end using information from the tile hooks.

Without loss of generality, we first perform a horizontal merge along every other vertical border, then a vertical merge along every other horizontal border, alternating orientation until we have merged all the tiles into one consistent labeling. We merge vertical borders exactly times, where w is the number of columns in the logical processor grid. Similarly, we merge horizontal borders exactly times, where v is the number of rows in the logical processor grid.

During each merge, a subset of the processors will act as group managers. These designated processors will prefetch the necessary border information along the column (or row) that they are located upon in the logical processor grid, setting up an equivalent graph problem, running a sequential connected components algorithm on the graph, noting any changes in the labels, and storing these changes ( pairs) in a shared structure. The clients decide who their current group manager is and wait until the list of label changes is ready. They retrieve the list, and all processors make the necessary updates to a proper subset of their labels.

The merging problem is converted into finding the connected components of a graph represented by the border pixels. We use an adjacency list representation for the graph, and add vertices to the graph representing colored pixels. Two types of edges are added to the graph. First, pixels are scanned down the left (or upper) border, and edges are strung linearly down the list between pixels containing the same connected component label. The same is done for pixels on the right (or lower) border. The second step adds edges between pixels of the left (upper) and right (lower) border which are adjacent to each other and differ by no greater than in grey level. We scan down the left column (upper row) elements, and if we are at a colored pixel, we check the pixels in the right column (lower row) adjacent to it. In order to add the first type of edges, the pixels are sorted according to their label for both the left (upper) and right (lower) border by using radix sortgif. A secondary processor is used to prefetch and sort the border elements on the opposite side of the border from the group manager, and the results are then sent to the group manager.

Figure 4: An example of Tile Hooks

At the conclusion of each of the merging steps, only the labels of pixels on the border of each tile are updated. There is no need to relabel interior pixels since they are not used in the merging stage. Only boundary pixels need their labels updated. Taking advantage of this, we do not need to propagate boundary labels inward to recolor a tile's interior pixels after each iteration of the merge. This is one of the attractive highlights of our newly proposed algorithm; namely, the drastically limited updates needed during the merging phase.

At the end of the last merging step, each processor must update its interior pixel labels. Each hook described above is compared to the current label at the hook's offset position index. If the hook's label is different from the current label at position i, the processor will run a breadth-first search relabeling technique beginning at pixel i, relabeling all the connected pixels' labels to the new label.

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David A. Bader