Invited Speaker:
Each Invited speaker will be limited to 45 minutes and therefore should keep their talk to 40 mintues, to allow 5 minutes for questions. 

Each Speaker will be limited to 30 minutes and therefore should keep their talk to 25 mintues, to allow 5 minutes for questions. 

Session chairs will facilitate questions to stimulate discussion. Potential government partners will be present so don't be shy about pointing out where your technology can address their needs.

DEMOS:  A demo session is planned for Wednesday afternoon.  Prior to the demo session, each participant will have 5 minutes and a maximum of 3 PowerPoint slides to introduce their technology, demo or poster.  This is only meant as an introduction.  Provide just enough information to attract participants to your setup, and to engage in conversation where extenstive details can be given.

Demo particiapants will be provided with a 6ft skirted table and electrical power to facilitate your presentation. Additional needs should be identified to the Summit coordinator so that arrangements with the University can be made.

**If you are not currently scheduled for a  demo or poster, but would like to be, please let us know (


With your submission, we ask that you identify the sponsor of your work, not by organization, but by a specific point of contact. If your work is not currently funded by a participating government organization or is not an obvious direct need of the government, it is strongly suggested that you identify a government advocate in support of your presentation. In either case, the government advisory board will review the submissions.

If you have questions about the relevance of your work to government needs, please contact us at

Abstracts accepted for presentation (both oral and demo) must be accompanied by a paper for the Summit proceedings.