Quick Links to Style Samples:

[ ps ] [ latex style ]
[ tex example ] [ RTF ]

TALKS:  Each Speaker should limit their talk to 15 minutes plus questions.  We will ask the session chairs to facilitate questions and try to start some sort of discussion.  You are talking to a lot of potential partners in the government, so don’t be shy about pointing out where your technology can be inserted.

DEMOS:  We are currently set up for a demo session on Wednesday afternoon.  Prior to the demo session, each participant will get 5 minutes and a maximum of 3 PowerPoint slides to introduce their technology, demo or poster.  This is only meant as an introduction.  You should not give extensive details, just enough information to attract participants to your setup and begin a conversation. 

During the demo session, we will have a reception, and you will have a 6ft skirted table and power.  If you need anything else, we can try to arrange it through the hotel.

**If you are not currently scheduled for a  demo or poster, but would like to be, please let us know. (sach06@umiacs.umd.edu).


SACH06 Proceedings Table of Contents: TBA

This year, we will be using an automated system for submission of abstracts, extended abstracts and materials for the proceedings. Some suggested template style sheets can be found to the left.

Please use the submission system, creating a new account if you do not currently have one. SACH Submissions.

DEADLINE: August 31, 2006


When you upload your submission for the proceedings, please name it accordingly (For example YOURLASTNAME-Proccedings.pdf) so that we know it is your final version.

If you create an account and submit material for the proceedings, and are NOT the primary author on your submission OR you have changed the title, please send email to the coordinator with details of the upload so that we can coordinate your submission.



Author Information

Preferred Format: sach06.ps
Latex Style: sach06.sty
Tex example sach06.tex
RTF example sach06-1.rtf
Final Full Paper Page Limit: unlimited
Abstract Page Limit 8


Preferred Style for Camera Ready Abstracts

We have provided a preferred style for publication in the proceedings. Any reasonable format will be accepted however, please number the backs of pages and omit any page numbers on the manuscript itself.

As a reminder, the deadline for submissions of research overview papers is June 17, 2005. Although we will not have extra oral presentations of technical reports (a demonstration session is planned instead), authors may submit written technical papers on topics referenced in the overview presentation. These papers will be published along with the overview papers, and are welcome beyond the suggested unlimited page limit.

Further questions can be addressed to SACH06 coordinator at: sach06@umiacs.umd.edu