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University of Maryland


Diversity and Inclusion

We believe that diversity is a key prerequisite of scientific excellence, and that we can only achieve our full potential if all members of our community—irrespective of seniority and rank—are valued and supported. Learn more about what we do to support diversity and inclusion here.

Policies & Procedures

The operation of UMIACS is governed by a plan of organization, comprising a constitution and bylaws, as well as several policies related to the appointment, promotion, and evaluation of our members. The policies, as well as the operational procedures and processes used by UMIACS to implement these policies are described in more detail here.


The UMIACS intranet page contains information about the computational resources available in the institute, as well as a range of "self service" apps allowing you to manage your computational resources (e.g., requesting accounts for students or collaborators).

Business Office

Information about the business processes in the institute, such as new appointments, travel, grant administration, etc., is available on the business office page.
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