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Bulka B, Gaston M, desJardins M.  2007.  Local strategy learning in networked multi-agent team formation. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 15(1):29-45.
Boutellier J, Bhattacharyya SS, Silvén O.  2007.  Low-overhead run-time scheduling for fine-grained acceleration of signal processing systems. Signal Processing Systems, 2007 IEEE Workshop on. :457-462.
Bhattacharya I, Getoor L.  2006.  A latent dirichlet allocation model for entity resolution. 6th SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Bethesda, USA.
Sato T, Kameya Y, De Raedt L, Dietterich T, Getoor L, Muggleton SH.  2006.  Learning through failure. Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning-Towards a Synthesis. (05051)
Ilghami O, Nau DS, Munoz-Avila H.  2006.  Learning to do HTN planning. :390-393.
desJardins M, Eaton E, Wagstaff KL.  2006.  Learning user preferences for sets of objects. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning. :273-280.
Erickson J, Har-Peled S, Mount D.  2006.  On the Least Median Square Problem. Discrete & Computational Geometry. 36(4):593-607.
Murray GC, Dorr BJ, Jimmy Lin, Hajič J, Pecina P.  2006.  Leveraging recurrent phrase structure in large-scale ontology translation. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation.
Murray CG, Dorr BJ, Jimmy Lin, Hajič J, Pecina P.  2006.  Leveraging reusability: cost-effective lexical acquisition for large-scale ontology translation. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and the 44th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. :945-952.
Hicks MW, Foster JS, Pratikakis P.  2006.  Lock inference for atomic sections. Proceedings of the First ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Hardware Support for Transactional Computing.
Pratikakis P, Foster JS, Hicks MW.  2006.  LOCKSMITH: context-sensitive correlation analysis for race detection. SIGPLAN Not.. 41(6):320-331.
Ambainis A, Gasarch W, Srinivasan A, Utis A.  2006.  Lower Bounds on the Deterministic and Quantum Communication Complexities of Hamming-Distance Problems. Algorithms and ComputationAlgorithms and Computation. 4288:628-637.
Jacobs DW, Basri R.  2005.  Lambertian reflectance and linear subspaces. : 09/705,507(6853745)
Daumé H, Marcu D.  2005.  A large-scale exploration of effective global features for a joint entity detection and tracking model. Proceedings of the conference on Human Language Technology and Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. :97-104.
Ilghami O, Muñoz-Avila H, Nau DS, Aha DW.  2005.  Learning approximate preconditions for methods in hierarchical plans. :337-344.
Daumé H, Marcu D.  2005.  Learning as search optimization: approximate large margin methods for structured prediction. Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Machine learning. :169-176.
El-Osery AI, Baird D, Abd-Almageed W.  2005.  A learning automata based power management for ad-hoc networks. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4:3569-3573Vol.4-3569-3573Vol.4.
Ilghami O, Nau DS, Muñoz-Avila H, Aha DW.  2005.  Learning preconditions for planning from plan traces and HTN structure. Computational Intelligence. 21(4):388-413.
Shneiderman B.  2005.  Leonardo's laptop: human needs and the new computing technologies. Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management. :1-1.
Shneiderman B.  2005.  The limits of speech recognition: Understanding acoustic memory and appreciating prosody (2000). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Resnik P, Elkiss A.  2005.  The linguist's search engine: an overview. Proceedings of the ACL 2005 on Interactive poster and demonstration sessions. :33-36.
Getoor L, Diehl CP.  2005.  Link mining: a survey. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter. 7(2):3-12.
Getoor L, Licamele L.  2005.  Link Mining for the Semantic Web, Position Statement. Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar in Machine Learning for the Semantic Web.
Getoor L.  2005.  Link-based classification. Advanced methods for knowledge discovery from complex data. :189-207.
Zhao H, Smith BK, Norman KL, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B.  2005.  Listening to Maps: User Evaluation of Interactive Sonifications of Geo-Referenced Data (2004). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
