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Brown JR, van Dam A, Earnshaw R, Encarnacao J, Guedj R, Preece J, Shneiderman B, Vince J.  1999.  Human-centered computing, online communities, and virtual environments. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 19(6):70-74.
Komlodi A, Hou W, Preece J, Druin A, Golub E, Alburo J, Liao S, Elkiss A, Resnik P.  2007.  Evaluating a cross-cultural children’s online book community: Lessons learned for sociability, usability, and cultural exchange. Interacting with Computers. 19(4):494-511.
Wagstrom P, Martino J, von Kaenel J, Chetty M, Thomas J, Jones L.  2011.  A Dive into Online Community Properties. CSCW '11. :725-728.
Violi N, Shneiderman B, Hanson A, Rey PJ.  2011.  Motivation for Participation in Online Neighborhood Watch Communities: An Empirical Study Involving Invitation Letters. Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on and 2011 IEEE Third International Confernece on Social Computing (SocialCom). :760-765.