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Roussopoulos N.  1982.  The Logical Access Path Schema of a Database. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. SE-8(6):563-573.
Porter A, Siy HP, Toman CA, Votta LG.  1997.  An experiment to assess the cost-benefits of code inspections in large scale software development. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 23(6):329-346.
Deshpande A, Hellerstein JM.  2002.  Decoupled query optimization for federated database systems. 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. :716-727.
Lapizco-Encinas G, Kingsford C, Reggia JA.  2009.  A cooperative combinatorial Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for side-chain packing. IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2009. SIS '09. :22-29.