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Journal Articles
Litwin WA, Roussopoulos N, Levy G, Hong W.  1991.  Trie hashing with controlled load. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 17(7):678-691.
Brough J, Schwartz M, Gupta SK, Anand D, Kavetsky R, Pettersen R.  2007.  Towards the development of a virtual environment-based training system for mechanical assembly operations. Virtual Reality. 11(4):189-206.
Shneiderman B.  1991.  Touch screens now offer compelling uses. IEEE Software. 8(2):93-94.
Song S, JaJa JF.  2009.  Techniques to audit and certify the long-term integrity of digital archives. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 10(2):123-131.
Banerjee S, Lee S, Bhattacharjee B, Srinivasan A.  2006.  Resilient multicast using overlays. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 14(2):237-248.
Li Y, Long PM, Srinivasan A.  2001.  The one-inclusion graph algorithm is near-optimal for the prediction model of learning. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 47(3):1257-1261.
Roussopoulos N.  1982.  The Logical Access Path Schema of a Database. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. SE-8(6):563-573.
Jensen CS, Mark L, Roussopoulos N.  1991.  Incremental implementation model for relational databases with transaction time. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 3(4):461-473.
Dix J, Muñoz-Avila H, Nau DS, Zhang L.  2003.  IMPACTing SHOP: Putting an AI Planner Into a Multi-Agent Environment. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 37(4):381-407.
Kustanowitz J, Shneiderman B.  2006.  Hierarchical Layouts for Photo Libraries. IEEE Multimedia. 13(4):62-72.
Giancarlo R, Hannenhalli S.  2008.  Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Algorithms in Bioinformatics. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 5(4):482-483.
Pugh W, Wonnacott D.  1995.  Going beyond integer programming with the Omega test to eliminate false data dependences. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 6(2):204-211.
Mundur P, Simon R, Sood AK.  2004.  End-to-end analysis of distributed video-on-demand systems. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 6(1):129-141.
Roussopoulos N, Faloutsos C, Sellis T.  1988.  An efficient pictorial database system for PSQL. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 14(5):639-650.
Morselli R, Bhattacharjee B, Marsh MA, Srinivasan A.  2007.  Efficient lookup on unstructured topologies. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 25(1):62-72.
Khuller S, Martinez M, Nau DS, Sliva A, Simari G, Subrahmanian V.  2007.  Computing most probable worlds of action probabilistic logic programs: scalable estimation for 10^30,000 worlds. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 51(2):295-331.
Nau DS, Wilkenfeld J.  2008.  Computational Cultural Dynamics. Intelligent Systems, IEEE. 23(4):18-19.
Porter A, Votta LG, Basili VR.  1995.  Comparing detection methods for software requirements inspections: a replicated experiment. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 21(6):563-575.
Mundur P, Sood AK, Simon R.  2005.  Class-based access control for distributed video-on-demand systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 15(7):844-853.
Svec P, Gupta SK.  2012.  Automated synthesis of action selection policies for unmanned vehicles operating in adverse environments. Autonomous Robots. 32(2):149-164.
Conference Papers
Cleaveland R, Steffen B.  1990.  When is `partial' adequate? A logic-based proof technique using partial specifications Logic in Computer Science, 1990. LICS '90, Proceedings., Fifth Annual IEEE Symposium on e. :440-449.
Kang H, Shneiderman B.  2000.  Visualization methods for personal photo collections: browsing and searching in the PhotoFinder. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000. ICME 2000. 3:1539-1542vol.3-1539-1542vol.3.
Fails JA, Karlson A, Shahamat L, Shneiderman B.  2006.  A Visual Interface for Multivariate Temporal Data: Finding Patterns of Events across Multiple Histories. Visual Analytics Science And Technology, 2006 IEEE Symposium On. :167-174.
Hicks MW, Nagarajan A, van Renesse R.  2003.  User-specified adaptive scheduling in a streaming media network. 2003 IEEE Conference on Open Architectures and Network Programming. :87-96.
Ryu KD, Hollingsworth J.  2004.  Unobtrusiveness and efficiency in idle cycle stealing for PC grids. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004. Proceedings. 18th International.
