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Karr A, Porter A, Votta L.  1996.  An empirical exploration of code evolution. International Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance.
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Karagol-Ayan B, Doermann D, Dorr BJ.  2003.  Acquisition of Bilingual MTLexicons from OCRed Dictionaries. Proceedings of the Ninth Machine Translation Summit. :208-215.
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Kao TC, Mount D.  1991.  Computing generalized Voronoi diagrams in improved time and space bounds.
Kao TC, Mount D.  1992.  Incremental construction and dynamic maintenance of constrained Delaunay triangulations. Proceedings of the 4th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry. :170-175.
Kanungo T, Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Piatko C, Silverman R, Wu AY.  1999.  Computing nearest neighbors for moving points and applications to clustering. Proceedings of the tenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. :931-932.
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Kanungo T, Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Piatko C, Silverman R, Wu AY.  2000.  The analysis of a simple k-means clustering algorithm. Proceedings of the sixteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry. :100-109.
Kanungo T, Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Piatko CD, Silverman R, Wu AY.  2002.  A local search approximation algorithm for k-means clustering. Proceedings of the eighteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry. :10-18.
Kanungo T, Resnik P, Mao S, Kim DW, Zheng Q.  2005.  The Bible and multilingual optical character recognition. Communications of the ACM. 48(6):124-130.
Kanungo T, Mount D, Netanyahu NS, Piatko C, Silverman R, Wu AY.  1998.  Approximating large convolutions in digital images. PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING. :216-227.
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Kang H, Getoor L, Shneiderman B, Bilgic M, Licamele L.  2008.  Interactive Entity Resolution in Relational Data: A Visual Analytic Tool and Its Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 14(5):999-1014.
