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Conference Papers
Jacobs DW, Weinshall D, Gdalyahu Y.  1998.  Condensing image databases when retrieval is based on non-metric distances. Computer Vision, 1998. Sixth International Conference on. :596-601.
Kuter U, Nau DS, Reisner E, Goldman R.  2007.  Conditionalization: Adapting forward-chaining planners to partially observable environments.
Swaminathan A, Mao Y, Su G-M, Gou H, Varna AL, He S, M. Wu, Oard D.  2007.  Confidentiality-preserving rank-ordered search. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Storage security and survivability. :7-12.
Seri M, Courtney T, Cukier M, Gupta V, Krishnmamurthy S, Lyons J, Ramasamy H, Ren J, Sanders WH.  2002.  A configurable CORBA gateway for providing adaptable system properties.
Gupta A, Mittal A, Davis LS.  2006.  Constraint Integration for Multiview Pose Estimation of Humans with Self-Occlusions. 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission, Third International Symposium on. :900-907.
Plangprasopchok A, Lerman K, Getoor L.  2010.  Constructing folksonomies by integrating structured metadata. Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web. :1165-1166.
Plangprasopchok A, Lerman K, Getoor L.  2010.  Constructing Folksonomies by Integrating Structured Metadata with Relational Clustering. Workshops at the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Gupta SK, Cardone A, Deshmukh A.  2006.  Content-based search techniques for searching CAD databases. CAD Conference.
Gupta A, Chen T, Chen F, Kimber D, Davis LS.  2008.  Context and observation driven latent variable model for human pose estimation. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on. :1-8.
Gupta H, Roy Chowdhury AK, Chellappa R.  2004.  Contour-based 3D Face Modeling from a Monocular Video. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference. :39.1-39.10-39.1-39.10.
Chow R, Golle P, Jakobsson M, Elaine Shi, Staddon J, Masuoka R, Molina J.  2009.  Controlling data in the cloud: outsourcing computation without outsourcing control. :85-90.
Gupta A, Mittal A, Davis LS.  2007.  COST: An Approach for Camera Selection and Multi-Object Inference Ordering in Dynamic Scenes. Computer Vision, 2007. ICCV 2007. IEEE 11th International Conference on. :1-8.
Sen P, Getoor L.  2006.  Cost-sensitive learning with conditional Markov networks. Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning. :801-808.
Gopalakrishnan V, Bhattacharjee B, Ramakrishnan KK, Jana R, Srivastava D.  2009.  CPM: Adaptive Video-on-Demand with Cooperative Peer Assists and Multicast. INFOCOM 2009, IEEE. :91-99.
Mayfield J, Alexander D, Dorr BJ, Eisner J, Elsayed T, Finin T, Fink C, Freedman M, Garera N, McNamee P et al..  2009.  Cross-document coreference resolution: A key technology for learning by reading. AAAI Spring Symposium on Learning by Reading and Learning to Read.
Gou H, M. Wu.  2004.  Data hiding in curves for collusion-resistant digital fingerprinting. Image Processing, 2004. ICIP '04. 2004 International Conference on. 1:51-54Vol.1-51-54Vol.1.
De Floriani L, Greenfieldboyce D, Hui A.  2004.  A data structure for non-manifold simplicial d-complexes. Proceedings of the 2004 Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Geometry processing. :83-92.
Bilgic M, Licamele L, Getoor L, Shneiderman B.  2006.  D-Dupe: An Interactive Tool for Entity Resolution in Social Networks. Visual Analytics Science And Technology, 2006 IEEE Symposium On. :43-50.
Moustafa WE, Namata G, Deshpande A, Getoor L.  2011.  Declarative analysis of noisy information networks. 2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW). :106-111.
Banerjee A G, Losert W, Gupta SK.  2009.  A Decoupled and Prioritized Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach for Automated Transport of Multiple Particles Using Optical Tweezers. 6:785-796.
Wyche SP, Smyth TN, Chetty M, Aoki PM, Grinter RE.  2010.  Deliberate Interactions: Characterizing Technology Use in Nairobi, Kenya. SIGCHI '10. :2593-2602.
Gandhi R, Khuller S, Parthasarathy S, Srinivasan A.  2002.  Dependent rounding in bipartite graphs. The 43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2002. Proceedings. :323-332.
Bejgerowski W, Gerdes JW, Gupta SK, Bruck HA, Wilkerson S.  2010.  Design and Fabrication of a Multi-Material Compliant Flapping Wing Drive Mechanism for Miniature Air Vehicles. :69-80.
Bejgerowski W, Gerdes JW, Gupta SK, Bruck HA, Wilkerson S.  2010.  Design and Fabrication of a Multi-Material Compliant Flapping Wing Drive Mechanism for Miniature Air Vehicles. :69-80.
Nau DS, Ball MO, Gupta SK, Minis IE, Zhang G.  1994.  Design for manufacture in multi-enterprise partnerships: current status and future directions. :117-125.
