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Journal Articles
Sharara H, Singh L, Getoor L, Mann J.  2011.  Understanding actor loyalty to event-based groups in affiliation networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining. 1(2):115-126.
Getoor L, Rhee JT, Koller D, Small P.  2004.  Understanding tuberculosis epidemiology using structured statistical models. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 30(3):233-256.
Guerra‐Filho G, Aloimonos Y.  2006.  Understanding visuo‐motor primitives for motion synthesis and analysis. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds. 17(3‐4):207-217.
Guven T, La RJ, Shayman MA, Bhattacharjee B.  2008.  A Unified Framework for Multipath Routing for Unicast and Multicast Traffic. Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on. 16(5):1038-1051.
Alivisatos A.P, Blaser M.J, Brodie E.L, Chun M., Dangl J.L, Donohue T.J, Dorrestein P.C, Gilbert J.A, Green J.L, Jansson J.K et al..  2015.  A unified initiative to harness Earth's microbiomes. Science. (62607551614341176):507-508.
Alivisatos A.P, Blaser M.J, Brodie E.L, Chun M., Dangl J.L, Donohue T.J, Dorrestein P.C, Gilbert J.A, Green J.L, Jansson J.K et al..  2015.  A unified initiative to harness Earth's microbiomes. Science. (62607551614341176):507-508.
Goyal V, Katz J.  2008.  Universally composable multi-party computation with an unreliable common reference string. Theory of Cryptography. :142-154.
Goldberg L, Lide B, Lowry S, Massett HA, O'Connell T, Preece J, Quesenbery W, Shneiderman B.  2011.  Usability and Accessibility in Consumer Health Informatics: Current Trends and Future Challenges. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 40(5, Supplement 2):S187-S197-S187-S197.
Zaitchik B.F, Guikema S.D, Haley B.J, Taviani E., Chen A., Brown M.E., Huq A., Colwell RR.  2015.  Use of Environmental Parameters to Model Pathogenic Vibrios in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Environmental Informatics.
Pujara J, Daumé H, Getoor L.  2011.  Using classifier cascades for scalable e-mail classification. Collaboration, Electronic Messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam Conference, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.
Hierons RM, Krause P, Lüttgen G, Simons AJH, Vilkomir S, Woodward MR, Zedan H, Bogdanov K, Bowen JP, Cleaveland R et al..  2009.  Using formal specifications to support testing. ACM Computing Surveys. 41:1-76.
Zheleva E, Getoor L, Golbeck J, Kuter U.  2010.  Using friendship ties and family circles for link prediction. Advances in Social Network Mining and Analysis. :97-113.
Zheleva E, Getoor L, Golbeck J, Kuter U.  2010.  Using friendship ties and family circles for link prediction. Advances in Social Network Mining and Analysis. :97-113.
Gupta SK.  1997.  Using manufacturing planning to generate manufacturability feedback. Journal of Mechanical Design. 119:73-73.
Raschid L, Ye Q, Zadorozhny V, Gal A, Murthy H.  2005.  Using Non-random Associations for Predicting Latency in WANs. Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2005.
Getoor L, Sahami M.  1999.  Using probabilistic relational models for collaborative filtering. Proc. Workshop Web Usage Analysis and User Profiling (WEBKDD’99).
Reyna-Fabian ME, Laclette JP, Cummings MP, García-Varela M.  2010.  Validating the systematic position of ıt Plationus Segers, Murugan & Dumont, 1993 (Rotifera: Brachionidae) using sequences of the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and of cytochrome C oxidase. Hydrobiologia. 644(1):361-370.
Bilgic M, Getoor L.  2011.  Value of information lattice: exploiting probabilistic independence for effective feature subset acquisition. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 41(2):69-95.
Sato T, Kameya Y, Kurihara K, De Raedt L, Dietterich T, Getoor L, Kersting K, Muggleton SH.  2008.  Variational Bayes via Propositionalization. Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning-A Further Synthesis.
Goodrich MT, Nguyen D, Ohrimenko O, Papamanthou C, Tamassia R, Triandopoulos N, Lopes CVideira.  2012.  Verifying Search Results Over Web Collections. arXiv:1204.5446 [cs].
Guo F, Chellappa R.  2010.  Video Metrology Using a Single Camera. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 32(7):1329-1335.
D. Grimes J, Ford TE, Colwell RR, Baker-Austin C, Martinez-Urtaza J, Subramaniam A, Capone DG.  2014.  Viewing Marine Bacteria, Their Activity and Response to Environmental Drivers from Orbit. Microbial Ecology. (38):489-500.
Kang H, Getoor L, Singh L.  2007.  Visual analysis of dynamic group membership in temporal social networks. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter. 9(2):13-21.
Lieberman MD, Taheri S, Guo H, Mirrashed F, Yahav I, Aris A, Shneiderman B.  2011.  Visual Exploration across Biomedical Databases. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 8(2):536-550.
Plaisant C, Grinstein G, Scholtz J.  2009.  Visual-Analytics Evaluation. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE. 29(3):16-17.
