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Journal Articles
Kim Y, Varshney A, Jacobs DW, Guimbretière F.  2010.  Mesh saliency and human eye fixations. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP). 7(2):12:1–12:13-12:1–12:13.
Gill SR, Pop M, DeBoy RT, Eckburg PB, Turnbaugh PJ, Samuel BS, Gordon JI, Relman DA, Fraser-Liggett CM, Nelson KE.  2006.  Metagenomic Analysis of the Human Distal Gut Microbiome. Science. 312(5778):1355-1359.
Gill SR, Pop M, DeBoy RT, Eckburg PB, Turnbaugh PJ, Samuel BS, Gordon JI, Relman DA, Fraser-Liggett CM, Nelson KE.  2006.  Metagenomic Analysis of the Human Distal Gut Microbiome. Science. 312(5778):1355-1359.
Licamele L, Getoor L.  2011.  A method for the detection of meaningful and reproducible group signatures from gene expression profiles. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 9(3):431-451.
Rivera ING, Lipp EK, Gil A, Choopun N, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2003.  Method of DNA extraction and application of multiplex polymerase chain reaction to detect toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 from aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Microbiology. 5(7):599-606.
Junqueira AC, Ratan A, Acerbi E, Drautz-Moses DI, Premkrishnan BNV, Costea PI, Linz B, Purbojati RW, Paulo DF, Gaultier NE et al..  2017.  The microbiomes of blowflies and houseflies as bacterial transmission reservoirs. Scientific Reports. (1)
Ghanem NM, Doermann D, Davis LS, DeMenthon D.  2004.  Mining tool for surveillance video. SPIE 16th International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Storage and Retrieval Methods and Applications for Multimedia. 5307:259-270.
Nath S, Deshpande A, Gibbons PB, Seshan S.  2003.  MobiCom poster: mining a world of smart sensors. SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev.. 7(1):34-36.
Peng T, Gupta SK.  2007.  Model and algorithms for point cloud construction using digital projection patterns. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. 7:372-372.
Fernandez JA, Grant J, Minker J.  1996.  Model theoretic approach to view updates in deductive databases. Journal of Automated Reasoning. 17(2):171-197.
Deshpande A, Guestrin C, Madden S, Hellerstein J, Hong W.  2005.  Model-based approximate querying in sensor networks. The VLDB Journal. 14(4):417-443.
Yilmaz C, Krishna AS, Memon AM, Porter A, Schmidt DC, Gokhale A, Natarajan B.  2004.  A Model-based Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance Process to Enhance the Quality of Service of Evolving Performance-intensive Software Systems. Proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Bultan T, Gerber R, Pugh W.  1999.  Model-checking concurrent systems with unbounded integer variables: symbolic representations, approximations, and experimental results. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and SystemsACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.. 21(4):747-789.
Eubank S, Guclu H, Kumar AVS, Marathe MV, Srinivasan A, Toroczkai Z|[aacute]|n, Wang N.  2004.  Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks. Nature. 429(6988):180-184.
Haley BJ, Kokashvili T, Tskshvediani A, Janelidze N, Mitaishvili N, Grim CJ, Constantin_de_Magny G, Chen AJ, Taviani E, Eliashvili T et al..  2014.  Molecular diversity and predictability of Vibrio parahaemolyticus along the Georgian coastal zone of the Black Sea. Frontiers in Microbiology. 5
Basili VR, Chang S, Gannon J, Katz E, Panlilio-Yap MN, Ramsey C L, Zelkowitz MV, Bailey J, Kruesi E, Sheppard S.  1984.  Monitoring an Ada software development. ACM SIG Ada Letters. IV(1):32-39.
Donelson JE, Gardner MJ, El-Sayed NM.  1999.  More surprises from Kinetoplastida. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 96(6):2579-2579.
Yue Z, Guarino D, Chellappa R.  2009.  Moving Object Verification in Airborne Video Sequences. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 19(1):77-89.
Wu M, Yu H, Gelman A.  1999.  Multi-level data hiding for digital image and video. SPIE Photonics East’99.
Getoor L.  2001.  Multi-Relational Data Mining using Probabilistic Models Research Summary. Proc. Of 1st workshop in MRDM.
Scheffer T, De Raedt L, Dietterich T, Getoor L, Muggleton SH.  2006.  Multi-View Learning and Link Farm Discovery. Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning-Towards a Synthesis.
Diehl CP, Getoor L, Namata G.  2006.  Name reference resolution in organizational email archives. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. :20-22.
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Last HR, Deeds M, Garvick D, Kavetsky R, Sandborn PA, Magrab EB, Gupta SK.  1999.  Nano-to-millimeter scale integrated systems. Components and Packaging Technologies, IEEE Transactions on. 22(2):338-343.
Jimmy Lin, DiCuccio M, Grigoryan V, Wilbur JW.  2008.  Navigating information spaces: A case study of related article search in PubMed. Information Processing & Management. 44(5):1771-1783.
