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Mink A, Salamon W, Hollingsworth J, Arunachalam R.  1998.  Performance measurement using low perturbation and high precision hardware assists. , The 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1998. Proceedings. :379-388.
Minkah N, Hwang Y, Perry K, Van Duyne GD, Hendrickson R, Lefkowitz EJ, Hannenhalli S, Bushman FD.  2007.  Variola virus topoisomerase: DNA cleavage specificity and distribution of sites in Poxvirus genomes. Virology. 365(1):60-69.
Minker J.  2003.  In Memoriam: Raymond Reiter. AI Magazine. 24(1):13-13.
Minker J.  1998.  An overview of cooperative answering in databases. Flexible Query Answering Systems. :282-285.
Minker J.  2012.  Scientific Freedom and Human Rights. :564.
Minker J.  2011.  Homage to Michael Gelfond on His 65 th Birthday. Logic programming, knowledge representation, and nonmonotonic reasoning. :1-11.
Minker J.  2000.  Introduction to logic-based artificial intelligence. Logic-based artificial intelligenceLogic-based artificial intelligence. :3-33.
Minker J.  2007.  Forming a Computer Science Center at the University of Maryland. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. 29(1):49-64.
Minker J.  2000.  Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence.
Minker J, Perlis D.  1985.  Computing protected circumscription. The Journal of Logic Programming. 2(4):235-249.
Minker J, Perlis D.  1984.  Protected circumscription. Proc. Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. :337-343.
Minker J.  1997.  Logic and Databases Past, Present, and Future. AI Magazine. 18(3):21-21.
Minker J, Seipel D.  2002.  Disjunctive logic programming: A survey and assessment. Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond. :171-197.
Minker J.  1996.  Logic and databases: A 20 year retrospective. Logic in Databases. :1-57.
Minker J.  2007.  Developing a Computer Science Department at the University of Maryland. Annals of the History of Computing, IEEE. 29(4):64-75.
Minker J.  1999.  Logic and databases: a 20 year retrospective-updated in honor of Ray Reiter. Logical Foundations for Cognitive Agents: Contributions in Honor of Ray Reiter. :234-299.
Minker J.  1997.  A characterization of the partial stable models for disjunctive deductive databases. Logic programming: proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium. :245-245.
Minker J.  1995.  Deductive Databases and Knowledge Base Systems..
Minker J, Perlis D, Subramanian K.  1986.  A Parallel Self-Modifying Default Reasoning System. AAAI. :923-927.
Minker J, Ruiz C.  1996.  Mixing a default rule with stable negation. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics. :122-125.
Minker J.  1999.  The Workshop on Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence. AI Magazine. 20(4):97-97.
Minter J, Perlis D.  1984.  Applications or Protected Circumscription. 7th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Napa, California, USA, May 14-16, 1984: proceedings. 170:414-414.
Minton SN, Michelson M, See K, Macskassy S, Gazen BC, Getoor L.  2011.  Improving Classifier Performance by Autonomously Collecting Background Knowledge from the Web. 2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications Workshops. :1-6.
Mishra A, Aloimonos Y, Fermüller C.  2009.  Active segmentation for robotics. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2009. IROS 2009. :3133-3139.
Mishra A, Banerjee S, Arbaugh WA.  2005.  Weighted coloring based channel assignment for WLANs. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review. 9(3):19-31.
