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Gordon D, Perlis D.  1995.  Explicitly Biased Generalization. Goal-Driven Learning. :321-354.
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Gordon S, Katz J.  2009.  Complete fairness in multi-party computation without an honest majority. Theory of Cryptography. :19-35.
Gordon DF, desJardins M.  1995.  Evaluation and selection of biases in machine learning. Machine Learning. 20(1):5-22.
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Gordon S, Katz J, Vaikuntanathan V.  2010.  A group signature scheme from lattice assumptions. Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT 2010. :395-412.
Gordon D, Perlis D.  1989.  Explicitly biased generalization. Computational Intelligence. 5(2):67-81.
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Gou H, Wu M.  2006.  Fingerprinting digital elevation maps. Proceedings of SPIE. 6072:373-384.
Gou H, M. Wu.  2005.  Data hiding in curves with application to fingerprinting maps. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 53(10):3988-4005.
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