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Gong J, Wang L, Oard D.  2009.  Matching person names through name transformation. Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management. :1875-1878.
Gong J, Oard D.  2009.  Selecting hierarchical clustering cut points for web person-name disambiguation. Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. :778-779.
Gomez JAG, Buck-Coleman A, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B.  2011.  TreeVersity: Comparing tree structures by topology and node's attributes differences. 2011 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). :275-276.
Gomez JAG, Buck-Coleman A, Plaisant C, Shneiderman B.  2011.  TreeVersity: Comparing tree structures by topology and node's attributes differences. Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :275-276.
Golubchik L, Khuller S, Kim YA, Shargorodskaya S, Wan YC.  2004.  Data migration on parallel disks. Algorithms–ESA 2004. :689-701.
Golubchik L, Cheng WC, Chou C-F, Khuller S, Samet H, Wan JC.  2003.  Bistro: a scalable and secure data transfer service for digital government applications. Communications of the ACM. 46(1):50-51.
Golubchik L, Cheng WC, Chou CF, Khuller S, Samet H, Wan YCJ.  2003.  Digital Government-Bistro: A Scalable and Secure Data Transfer Service for Digital Government Applications. Communications of the ACM-Association for Computing Machinery-CACM. 46(1):50-51.
Golubchik L, Cheng WC, Chou C-F, Khuller S, Samet H, Wan JC.  2003.  Bistro: a scalable and secure data transfer service for digital government applications. Commun. ACM. 46(1):50-51.
Golub GH, O'Leary DP.  1989.  Some History of the Conjugate Gradient and Lanczos Algorithms: 1948–1976. SIAM Review. 31(1):50-102.
Golub E, Shneiderman B.  2005.  Dynamic Query Visualizations on World Wide Web Clients: A DHTML Solution for Maps and Scattergrams (2002). Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports.
Golub E, Shneiderman B.  2003.  Dynamic query visualisations on world wide web clients: A DHTML solution for maps and scattergrams. International journal of Web engineering and technology. 1(1):63-78.
Golub GH, Hansen P C, O'Leary DP.  1999.  Tikhonov Regularization and Total Least Squares. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 21(1):185-194.
Goldberg L A, Paterson M, Srinivasan A, Sweedyk E.  1997.  Better approximation guarantees for job-shop scheduling. Proceedings of the eighth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. :599-608.
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Goldberg L A, Paterson M, Srinivasan A, Sweedyk E.  2001.  Better Approximation Guarantees for Job-Shop Scheduling. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 14(1):67-67.
Goldberg L, Lide B, Lowry S, Massett HA, O'Connell T, Preece J, Quesenbery W, Shneiderman B.  2011.  Usability and Accessibility in Consumer Health Informatics: Current Trends and Future Challenges. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 40(5, Supplement 2):S187-S197-S187-S197.
Goh EJ, Jarecki S, Katz J, Wang N.  2007.  Efficient signature schemes with tight reductions to the Diffie-Hellman problems. Journal of Cryptology. 20(4):493-514.
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Gilsinn DE, Cheok GS, O'Leary DP.  2004.  Reconstructing Images of Bar Codes for Construction Site Object Recognition. Automation in Construction (Elsevier). 13:21-35.
Gilsinn DE, Cheok GS, O'Leary DP.  2002.  Reconstructing Images of Bar Codes for Construction Site Object Recognition. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction.
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