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Boyd-Graber J, Fellbaum C, Osherson D, Schapire R.  2006.  Adding dense, weighted connections to wordnet. Proceedings of the Third International WordNet Conference. :29-36.
Boyd-Graber J.  2004.  Only in Europe?: The Economic and Military Foundations of European World Empires Typescript. Princeton University.
Boyd-Graber J, Blei D, Zhu X.  2007.  A topic model for word sense disambiguation. Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning (EMNLP-CoNLL). :1024-1033.
Boyd-Graber J.  2010.  Linguistic Extensions of Topic Models.
Boyd-Graber J, Blei DM.  2009.  Multilingual topic models for unaligned text. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. :75-82.
Boyd-Graber J, Resnik P.  2010.  Holistic sentiment analysis across languages: multilingual supervised latent Dirichlet allocation. Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. :45-55.
Boyd-Graber J, Blei D.  2007.  PUTOP: turning predominant senses into a topic model for word sense disambiguation. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations. :277-281.
Boyd-Graber J, Blei DM.  2010.  Syntactic Topic Models. arXiv:1002.4665v1.
Boyd-Graber J, Nikolova SS, Moffatt KA, Kin KC, Lee JY, Mackey LW, Tremaine MM, Klawe MM.  2006.  Participatory design with proxies: developing a desktop-PDA system to support people with aphasia. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems. :151-160.
Boyd-Graber J, Glasgow K, Zajac JS.  2013.  Spoiler Alert: Machine Learning Approaches to Detect Social Media Posts with Revelatory Information.
Boyd-Graber J, Sayeed AB, Rusk B, Weinberg A.  2012.  Grammatical structures for word-level sentiment detection. North American Association of Computational Linguistics.
Boyen X, Dodis Y, Katz J, Ostrovsky R, Smith A.  2005.  Secure remote authentication using biometric data. Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2005. :147-163.
Boyer KL, Sarkar S, Feldman J, Granlund G, Horaud R, Hutchinson S, Jacobs DW, Kak A, Lowe D, Malik J.  1999.  Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision.
Bozo-Hurtado L, García-Amado M, Chistoserdov A, Varela R, Narvaez J, Colwell RR, Suárez P.  2013.  Identification of bacteria in enrichment cultures of sulfate reducers in the Cariaco Basin water column employing Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis of 16S ribosomal RNA gene fragments. Aquatic Biosystems. 9(1):17.
Brabec F, Samet H.  2007.  Autonomic computing. IEEE internet computing. 11(1):52-59.
Brabec F, Samet H.  2007.  Client-Based Spatial Browsing on the World Wide Web. IEEE Internet Computing. 11(1):52-59.
Brabec F, Samet H, Yilmaz C.  2003.  VASCO: visualizing and animating spatial constructs and operations. Proceedings of the nineteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry. :374-375.
Brabec F, Samet H.  2008.  Hierarchical infrastructure for internet mapping services. Geospatial Services and Applications for the Internet. :1-30.
Braccini C, De Floriani L, Vernazza G.  1995.  Image Analysis and Processing: 8th International Conference, Iciap '95, San Remo, Italy, September 13-15, 1995 : Proceedings.
Bradd H, Christopher G, Nur H, Seon-Young C, Jongsik C, Thomas B, David B, Jean C, Chris DJ, Cliff H et al..  2010.  Comparative genomic analysis reveals evidence of two novel Vibrio species closely related to V. cholerae. BMC Microbiology. 10
Brakerski Z, Kalai YT, Katz J, Vaikuntanathan V.  2010.  Overcoming the Hole in the Bucket: Public-Key Cryptography Resilient to Continual Memory Leakage. Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2010 51st Annual IEEE Symposium on. :501-510.
Brakerski Z, Katz J, Segev G, Yerukhimovich A.  2011.  Limits on the power of zero-knowledge proofs in cryptographic constructions. Theory of Cryptography. :559-578.
Brauer JR, Mayergoyz ID.  2004.  Finite-element computation of nonlinear magnetic diffusion and its effects when coupled to electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic systems. Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on. 40(2):537-540.
Bredin JL, Demaine ED, Hajiaghayi MT, Rus D.  2010.  Deploying sensor networks with guaranteed fault tolerance. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON). 18(1):216-228.
Brefeld U, Getoor L, Macskassy SA.  2011.  Eighth workshop on mining and learning with graphs. SIGKDD Explor. Newsl.. 12(2):63-65.
