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Journal Articles
Zaphiris P, Shneiderman B, Norman KL.  2002.  Expandable indexes vs. sequential menus for searching hierarchies on the World Wide Web. Behaviour & Information Technology. 21(3):201-207.
Katz J, Koo CY.  2006.  On expected constant-round protocols for Byzantine agreement. Advances in Cryptology-CRYPTO 2006. :445-462.
Katz J, Koo C-Y.  2009.  On expected constant-round protocols for Byzantine agreement. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 75(2):91-112.
Basili VR, Seaman C.  2002.  The Experience factory organization. IEEE Software. 19(3):30-31.
Schneider K, von Hunnius J-P, Basili VR.  2002.  Experience in implementing a learning software organization. Software, IEEE. 19(3):46-49.
Zelkowitz MV, Kowalchack B, Itkin D, Herman L.  1989.  Experiences building a syntax-directed editor. Software Engineering Journal. 4(6):294-294.
Ramasamy HGV, Pandey P, Cukier M, Sanders WH.  2008.  Experiences with building an intrusion-tolerant group communication system. Software: Practice and Experience. 38(6):639-666.
Porter A, Siy HP, Toman CA, Votta LG.  1997.  An experiment to assess the cost-benefits of code inspections in large scale software development. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 23(6):329-346.
Di Persio T, Isbister D, Shneiderman B.  1980.  An experiment using memorization/reconstruction as a measure of programmer ability. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 13(3):339-354.
Ewing J, Mehrabanzad S, Sheck S, Ostroff D, Shneiderman B.  1986.  An experimental comparison of a mouse and arrow-jump keys for an interactive encyclopedia. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 24(1):29-45.
Powers M, Lashley C, Sanchez P, Shneiderman B.  1984.  An experimental comparison of tabular and graphic data presentation. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 20(6):545-566.
Potter R, Berman M, Shneiderman B.  1989.  An experimental evaluation of three touch screen strategies within a hypertext database. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 1(1):41-52.
Shneiderman B, Mayer R, McKay D, Heller P.  1977.  Experimental investigations of the utility of detailed flowcharts in programming. Communications of the ACM. 20(6):373-381.
Zelkowitz MV, Wallace D.  1996.  Experimental models for software diagnosis. NIST IR. 5889
Zelkowitz MV, Wallace DR.  1998.  Experimental models for validating technology. Computer. 31(5):23-31.
Tuhrim S, Reggia JA, Goodall S.  1991.  An experimental study of criteria for hypothesis plausibility. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 3(2):129-144.
Youngmyers H, Raschid L.  1993.  An Experimental Study of Three Dataflow Paradigms in Multithreaded Database Transitive Closure Algorithms on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 18(3):371-389.
Shull F, Basili VR, Zelkowitz MV.  2000.  The experimental validation and packaging of software technologies. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 25(1):82-83.
Zelkowitz MV, Wallace D.  1997.  Experimental validation in software engineering. Information and Software Technology. 39(11):735-743.
Zelkowitz MV, Wallace DR, Binkley DW.  2003.  Experimental validation of new software technology. SERIES ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING. 12:229-263.
Lindvall M, Rus I, Donzelli P, Memon AM, Zelkowitz MV, Betin-Can A, Bultan T, Ackermann C, Anders B, Asgari S et al..  2007.  Experimenting with software testbeds for evaluating new technologies. Empirical Software Engineering. 12(4):417-444.
Hochstein L, Nakamura T, Basili VR, Asgari S, Zelkowitz MV, Hollingsworth J, Shull F, Carver J, Voelp M, Zazworka N et al..  2006.  Experiments to understand HPC time to development. CTWatch Quarterly.
Dascal S, Vishkin U.  1999.  Experiments with list ranking for Explicit Multi-Threaded (XMT) instruction parallelism. Algorithm Engineering. :43-59.
Vishkin D, Vishkin U.  2000.  Experiments with list ranking for explicit multi-threaded (XMT) instruction parallelism. J. Exp. Algorithmics. 5
Sellis T, Roussopoulos N, Mark L, Faloutsos C.  1988.  Expert database systems: Efficient support for engineering environments. Data & Knowledge Engineering. 3(2):71-85.
