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Bitsakos K, Fermüller C.  2006.  Depth estimation using the compound eye of dipteran flies. Biological Cybernetics. 95(5):487-501.
Bitsakos K, Domke J, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  2009.  MEASURING 1ST ORDER STRETCH WITH A SINGLE FILTER. Relation. 10(1.132):691-691.
Bitsakos K, Fermüller C, Aloimonos Y.  2010.  An Experimental Study of Color-Based Segmentation Algorithms Based on the Mean-Shift Concept. Computer Vision – ECCV 2010Computer Vision – ECCV 2010. 6312:506-519.
Bitsakos K, Yi H, Yi L, Fermüller C.  2008.  Bilateral symmetry of object silhouettes under perspective projection. 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2008. ICPR 2008. :1-4.
Bitansky N, Dachman-Soled D, Garg S, Jain A, Kalai YTauman, López-Alt A, Wichs D.  2013.  Why “Fiat-Shamir for Proofs” Lacks a Proof. Theory of Cryptography. :182-201.
Biswas S, Aggarwal G, Ramanathan N, Chellappa R.  2008.  A Non-generative Approach for Face Recognition Across Aging. Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2008. BTAS 2008. 2nd IEEE International Conference on. :1-6.
Biswas S, Aggarwal G, Chellappa R.  2010.  An Efficient and Robust Algorithm for Shape Indexing and Retrieval. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on. 12(5):372-385.
Biswas S, Chellappa R.  2010.  Pose-robust albedo estimation from a single image. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010 IEEE Conference on. :2683-2690.
Biswas S, Aggarwal G, Chellappa R.  2007.  Efficient Indexing For Articulation Invariant Shape Matching And Retrieval. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007. CVPR '07. IEEE Conference on. :1-8.
Biswas S, Aggarwal G, Chellappa R.  2006.  Invariant Geometric Representation of 3D Point Clouds for Registration and Matching. Image Processing, 2006 IEEE International Conference on. :1209-1212.
Biswas S, Aggarwal G, Chellappa R.  2009.  Robust Estimation of Albedo for Illumination-Invariant Matching and Shape Recovery. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 31(5):884-899.
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Bird S, Dale R, Dorr BJ, Gibson B, Joseph MT, Kan MY, Lee D, Powley B, Radev DR, Tan YF.  2008.  The acl anthology reference corpus: A reference dataset for bibliographic research in computational linguistics. Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC’08). :1755-1759.
Binsztein N, Costagliola MC, Pichel M, Jurquiza V, Ramírez FC, Akselman R, Vacchino M, Huq A, Colwell RR.  2004.  Viable but Nonculturable Vibrio Cholerae O1 in the Aquatic Environment of Argentina. Applied and Environmental MicrobiologyAppl. Environ. Microbiol.. 70(12):7481-7486.
Bin Tariq M, Mansy A, Feamster N, Ammar M.  2009.  Characterizing VLAN-induced sharing in a campus network. Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement conference. :116-121.
Bin Tariq M, Motiwala M, Feamster N, Ammar M.  2009.  Detecting network neutrality violations with causal inference. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Emerging networking experiments and technologies. :289-300.
Bilotti MW, Katz B, Jimmy Lin.  2004.  What works better for question answering: Stemming or morphological query expansion. Proceedings of the Information Retrieval for Question Answering (IR4QA) Workshop at SIGIR 2004.
Bilgic M, Licamele L, Getoor L, Shneiderman B.  2006.  D-Dupe: An Interactive Tool for Entity Resolution in Social Networks. Visual Analytics Science And Technology, 2006 IEEE Symposium On. :43-50.
Bilgic M, Mihalkova L, Getoor L.  2010.  Active learning for networked data. ICML’10.
Bilgic M, Getoor L.  2007.  Voila: Efficient feature-value acquisition for classification. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 22(2):1225-1225.
Bilgic M, Getoor L.  2009.  Reflect and correct: A misclassification prediction approach to active inference. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD). 3(4):20:1–20:32-20:1–20:32.
Bilgic M, Getoor L.  2009.  Link-based active learning. NIPS Workshop on Analyzing Networks and Learning with Graphs.
Bilgic M, Namata GM, Getoor L.  2007.  Combining Collective Classification and Link Prediction. Data Mining Workshops, 2007. ICDM Workshops 2007. Seventh IEEE International Conference on. :381-386.
Bilgic M, Getoor L.  2011.  Value of information lattice: exploiting probabilistic independence for effective feature subset acquisition. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 41(2):69-95.
